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 Get over yourself
Author: Lulu 
Date:   2003-02-25 02:50

I am a very regular reader of this bulletin board. I have always been afraid to post any comments or ask any questions because some of you people are really nasty. Not everyone who plays the clarinet is a professional musician. Not everyone who asks a question here is a rocket scientist. Some of you regulars are downright mean & rude. You hard-core know-it-alls probably know who you are. I just want to say that we know who you are too, and wish you would lighten up. I'd like to add that others are really nice, very helpful, non-judgmental, and are very much appreciated. Thank you.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Bob A 
Date:   2003-02-25 02:52

Bad Reed Day!
Bob A

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2003-02-25 03:04

Bob A wrote:

> Bad Reed Day!

Must be.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Morrigan 
Date:   2003-02-25 03:37

I agree with LuLu. I've been told to [deleted. Use that language again and you won't be posting for a long time ... Mark C.] and dream of being a professional clarinetist', and that I 'make an ass of myself'... Both of these were regulars! I've also received threatening emails, won't name names, you know who you are. All in the name of posting here and having opinions.

[If you post on a public BBoard then you must be ready to take the heat. If, though, anyone gets "threatening" emails from anyone here, please let me know offline. That will not be tolerated. However, if they're just angry ones - well, that's what you get. I'll gladly trade you a day of "hot" emails that I get for a month of yours. Mark C.]

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Ralph G 
Date:   2003-02-25 03:41

Don't be afraid. If you have a question, ask away. You may get a wiseacre response here and there. But if anyone is out-of-line rude to you, people here will let them know it and shout them down. This place is pretty good about policing itself.

Wanna see a truly rude forum? Hang out Die Cast Aircraft forum (for collectors of die cast model airliners). That's one scary place. The regulars there are truly arrested in their development.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Clarence 
Date:   2003-02-25 03:54

" You hard-core know-it-alls "


When I read your post, I just knew you were talking about me. I'm truly sorry for being this way, but it is hard to be humble when you are from Texas.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Liquorice 
Date:   2003-02-25 07:02

"... evil, evil people..." !

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Karel 
Date:   2003-02-25 07:47

Lulu, elementary questions almost always get helpful responses here. We all start at the beginning, and one of the wonders of this BB is the willingness of virtually everyone to advise and "educate" others by sharing their experience and knowledge. I presume that you are feeling sorry for "saint_amy". Her question was really a misuse of the BB which is here to help and share information. It is not meant to be an "assignment factory" for students who delay their homework until they can't possibly complete their task on time. That's why the responses were not generous. I hope that you do not feel it is reasonable for someone to play the clarinet for 4 years and not be able to name 3 relevant composers. Had she asked a question about something she had difficulty with, I am sure she would have been flooded with advice and goodwill.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Synonymous Botch 
Date:   2003-02-25 11:51

It's getting around myself that takes real effort.
And increasingly, more time.

I suppose that expecting Nice clarinet players is a little NIGH-eve.

The beef from most regulars is that Newbies don't (or won't) search.

There's also a regular cycle of questions, as younger novices go through their curriculum - and ask the same fundamental questions that were covered at length in the previous years.

(Sherman Friedland answered most of mine, before I began playing... Benade covered the rest.)

For one, I resent laziness presented as inexperience - too many of my bosses in the past developed their penchant for plagiarism in similar fasion - and were promoted on MY efforts without due credit.

Lastly, using the royal 'WE' is for drag-queens and ankle-biters.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Phat Cat 
Date:   2003-02-25 12:12

I call for a Security Council resolution condemning the Clarinet Axis of Evil.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Don Poulsen 
Date:   2003-02-25 12:36

In addition to this board, I regularly visit a car-related board. Believe me, this one is far more civilized and more highly policed than most other boards. But that isn't to say that some less than polite responses haven't been posted here. However, I still come away with the feeling that clarinet players of all types are, on average, nicer than most other categories of people.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Clarence 
Date:   2003-02-25 12:40

> I call for a Security Council resolution condemning the Clarinet Axis of Evil <

I second that ..

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: William 
Date:   2003-02-25 15:04

" Not everyone who asks a question here is a rocket scientist. "

Your right about that!! All of my clarinets fail to reach the 93 mile limit imposed by the UN.

However, I am always willing to offer as much help as I can in getting your clarineting "off the ground." Just ask...............................

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Sylvain 
Date:   2003-02-25 16:02

I find the flaming threads most entertaining, maybe not the most informative but definitely entertaining.
A lot of regulars of this board had to deal with some heat. This a community whose individuals have different opinions (just do a search on Stoltzman ;) for a sneak preview)
and like to share them more or less loudly.
My own tips for a good BB experience?
Do a few searches before you ask anything, don't try to make other people do your work, don't sell stuff on the BB, be polite and respectful, don't get under Mark's skin.

If you're bored you can always ask why Marcellus recording of Mozart concerto sounds so dull and enjoy the heat [hot]


Sylvain Bouix <sbouix@gmail.com>

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Sylvain 
Date:   2003-02-25 16:03

I love the smileys [cool]

Sylvain Bouix <sbouix@gmail.com>

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: hans 
Date:   2003-02-25 16:04

I think "responses were not generous" is an understatement in the case in question.
If a request is inappropriate, I don't understand why anyone should want to make the effort to reply, let alone denigrate the person who posted it, who may be a naive 13 year old.
I hope that we can all agree to keep replies to what are perceived as excessive requests for help to something like: "We can not provide this kind of help. Please use your library to do your research".
It is sad that anyone, like Lulu, should be afraid to post on a BB and it diminishes us all.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: GBK 
Date:   2003-02-25 17:39

What astounds me is, if someone, whether 13, 23 or 83, has the ability to find this site which is clearly emblazoned with the word "Clarinet" they could (at the absolute minimum) click a few sections on this site, read for less than 5 minutes on this site and have all the information they requested.

No need to even walk out the door to the library...

I'm sorry, but it seems like another "The dog ate my homework" excuse...GBK

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Ted 
Date:   2003-02-25 18:00

Lulu - I'm a relative newcomer to the BB, but not to the clarinet. I have found that mostly everything I read here has been polite and informative, and , enabled me to get in contact with clarinet friends from the past. In the music biz in general and clarinet world inparticular, there is as certain , shall we say, reparteŽbetween conversants and a certain ammount of jocular dialogue that has to be taken with a wink and a nod. We might say some rude things to each other knowing that "we give as good as we get".
A thick(er) skin will take you a long way in music, along with a few handy
"p--s off" and "get stuffed" remarks, well placed at appropriate times. - Ted

Post Edited (02-25-03 19:02)

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: ken 
Date:   2003-02-25 19:54

Lulu ... socially redeeming post. Your snit reminds me of my sick Uncle who used to get his kicks at parties passing gas in the midde of a crowd, then dashing off to a corner of the room and giggle at people giving each other dirty looks.

 Re: Get over yourself
Author: Webmaster 
Date:   2003-02-25 20:19

This thread has now passed any socially redeeming level.

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