Author: merlin
Date: 2010-02-14 09:49
Here's what I think.
You will always make the sound in your head. It doesn't matter what equipment you use, what's important is what is in your ear.
The more you listen to and copy the type of sound you want to make, the more you will sound like it.
Some pieces of equipment will help you to make your sound easily, others will hinder you somewhat, but ultimately your inner sound will come through. When you feel more comfortable and relaxed (and some mouthpiece, reed and instrument combinations REALLY help) then you will free yourself to get on with the task in hand, ie to play Music, not clarinet.
If you can make it easy on yourself by selecting the appropriate and most comfortable mouthpiece reed combination then you will stand a better chance of letting the inner sound out. Playing the same mouthpiece that Paposov, or Krakauer, or I play will really not make you sound like that person.