The Doublers BBoard
Author: Heise
Date: 2016-01-29 00:44
A local theatre company is doing Peter Pan this summer (MTI books, 1954 Broadway version). Reed 6 is listed as "Bass Clarinet, Bassoon". Has anybody played this book or know definitively the division of parts between instruments? I am a bass clarinetist. A little bassoon doesn't scare me, but if the book is mostly bassoon, it would be better for me to bow-out now.
I am aware that there is an alternate "bassoon only" book, which I presume to be an alternate to Reed 6. I'm not sure whether this bodes in my favor or not.
Thanks for any info!
- Heise
(For anybody who sees this twice, I apologize --- I earlier posted it on Sax On The Web.)
Post Edited (2016-01-29 19:52)
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Author: bandisepic
Date: 2016-03-22 01:40
I just played this book with my school back in February. It is mainly bassoon, nothing too hard. I ended up bringing in a bari sax for some of the tougher spots (not that there were many). It's a fairly easy book, though not much bass clarinet. You can always transpose it for bass clarinet if you want (or read it on bari like I did). Hope this helped!
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