The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Arnt Aalbers
Date: 2002-10-17 10:54
Does anybody have experience with Patricola clarinets? What are they like? I am considering to buy one (a rosewood B-flat clarinet) via mail, i.e. without having seen or tried it. Thanks in advance.
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Author: kenabbott
Date: 2002-10-17 11:11
I have four; Bb, A, Eb, And C. All rosewood. I have had to experimint with the barrels to get the intonation right, but I'm satifies now. What else would you like to know? If you are in the NYC area, I'll happily let you try mine.
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Author: Arnt Aalbers
Date: 2002-10-17 12:03
Thank you for your kind offer to let me try your clarinets. However, I am Dutch and thus living in the Netherlands, alas some five thousand kilometers away from New York. I am especially interested in 1) even or homogeneous intonation throughout all registers, which, as you pointed out, is basically all right, 2) 'workmanship', i.e. does it look and feel as a high end clarinet (cf. Buffet Prestige), and 3) sound, i.e. does produce an American sound (generally regarded as relatively bright and focussed; R13) or German sound (relatively dark and warm; Wurlitzer). Further, does the 'Bb improvement device' function properly? Thanks again.
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Author: William
Date: 2002-10-17 12:48
A word of caution--TRIAL. Pesonally, I would never buy anything expensive without first trying it. Via mial order, it is advisable to secure a "return agreement" with the seller, after a resonable trial period, if you are not satisfied.
Try, before you Buy!!!!!!
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Author: kenabbott
Date: 2002-10-17 13:14
1) I haven't played them enough to address all intonation issues. The Bb appears to be OK.
2) Workmanship seems good. Action is even and smooth. It feels like my Selmer and Rossi.
3) The sound is not as dark as an R-13.
4) I have been unimpressed with the Bb mechanism so far. It works really well on the Rossi (I never feel the need to use the A key and the side keys for throat Bb). The Bb still feels a bit stuffy.
I would either try them first or get a trial period. Feel free to contact me if you have questions.
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Author: Mike_M
Date: 2002-10-17 14:13
I have the Patricola Bb and A clarinets. I’ve been very happy with them. I think the workmanship in the key work is immaculate.
I agree with kenabbott on the Bb mechanism. It works, but the tone is still stuffy, although the pitch is correct.
The sound is a bit brighter than the typical R13 sound. It’s always difficult to describe tone quality... the Patricola has a distinctively different (maybe Italian sound.
I’ve found the intonation and tone to be excellent across the range although barrel and mouthpiece selection definitely influence pitch.
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Author: Sandra F. H.
Date: 2002-10-18 03:56
I am a clarinetist, and although I don't own a Patricola clarinet, I do own a Patricola oboe. It's very fine, and it's exquisitely made. Ted Jahn owned a Patricola clarinet. I know of others who have them, but I haven't had the opportunity to play one. Rosewood, generally, will have a brighter sound than grenadilla. Patricola makes both. I purchased mine in the USA, but I did email Patricola and they replied to me promptly, and in English.
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