The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Therese
Date: 1999-07-08 04:06
I was just wondering if anyone had an opinion or comment about the Pyne mouthpieces. I borrowed one (the S+ <check mark>) from my teacher and love it! The only problem I find is in the thickness of the rails. Any comments?
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Author: Marci
Date: 1999-07-08 19:01
I used to play on Pyne was a new M model and the other was my teacher's star model that isn't made anymore. I found that both of them gave me a rich dark sound, but didn't project very well in the orchestra. And after switching to the less resistant mouthpiece that I play now, I realized just how much resistance the Pyne had. I loved my Pynes while I was playing on them, but now if I try to go back to them, I feel like I have to blow too hard to get a nice sound out of it. It may help you to try different reed strengths before deciding whether you should get one yourself. (They are quite pricey!) Also, you may want to see if Jim Pyne himself will be around your area. He does masterclasses every once in a while. I bought my newer mouthpiece when I played in one last year, and it helped having him there because he could adjust them to better fit you. Hope this helps!
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