The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Clarinet02
Date: 2001-12-21 04:11
I'm planning on majoring in music education and was wondering if it is necessary that I purchase an A clarinet for college, even though I'm not doing performance.
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Author: Sneakers
Date: 2001-12-21 04:43
Even if you do play in orchestra you may be able to get by without your own A clarinet. Some universities have A clarinets that students can check-out to use, although I must be honest and say that the two universities I attended managed to purchase A clarinets of very poor quality, even though they were Buffet R-13's. Also, you could transpose A clarinet parts to Bb clarinet.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-12-21 04:48
Sneakers wrote:
> Also, you could transpose A clarinet parts
> to Bb clarinet.
Many times - not. You'd need the low Eb on the Bb. Also, much of the chamber music and solo repertoire is written for A clarinet.
However, if you're sticking to band music, a Bb will work fine.
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Author: Micaela
Date: 2001-12-21 21:28
Check with your college (if you know where you're going). I think most have A clarinets to lend out when needed, but there are occasionally quality issues like Sneakers mentioned. But if it's a school with a big music department and you only need an A occasionally, you can probably borrow one from someone or other.
However, I bought an A in June. I'm not even in college yet and I've used it much more than I ever expected I would.
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Author: charles
Date: 2001-12-21 21:41
I'm sorry, it's out of subject but in saxophone
- Bb soprano : 2 step lower than middle C in piano ( one octave=12 setp )
same as Bb clarinet
- Eb alto : 9 step lower than middle C in piano
- Bb tenor : one octave lower than Bb soprano
- Eb bari : one actave lower than Eb alto ....
Would you please do this for clarinet?
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Author: David Pegel
Date: 2001-12-22 02:45
I think it's like this. It's not fully off subject, but...
For universal purposes, let's call them half-steps. That's what they really are.
Ab Sopranino: One octave minus a whole step above Bb clarinet (8 half-steps above written pitch? someone verify me on these.)
Eb Soprano: One fourth above Bb Clarinet (3 half-steps above WP)
Bb Soprano: 2 half-steps below WP
Eb Alto: One fifth below Bb Clarinet (9 half-steps below WP)
BBb Bass: One octave below Bb (14 below WP)
EEb Contralto: One fifth below Bass, one octave below Alto (21 H/S below WP)
BBBb Contrabass: two octaves below Bb (26 H/S below WP)
EEEb Octocontralto: two octave below Alto (33 H/S below WP)
BBBBb Octocontrabass: THREE octaves below Bb (A whopping 38 half-steps below WP)
I hope my figures are right. It would explain why only a few EEEb and BBBBb clarinets exist in the world...
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