The Clarinet BBoard
Author: GBK
Date: 2001-09-22 16:08
Much was written in a previous post about the differences between the clarinet and flute. We should look no further than Mozart for the definitive answer.
As for the flute: Mozart wrote to his father in 1777 about his new commission for a second flute concerto - "...moreover, you know that I become quite powerless whenever I am obliged to write for an instrument (the flute) which I cannot bear. Hence, as a diversion, I compose something else such as duets for clavier and piano, or I work at my Mass."
As for the clarinet: Mozart wrote to his father on December 3, 1778 after returning from Mannheim and hearing their orchestra - "...Ah, if we too had clarinets! You can't conceive what a wonderful effect a symphony with flute, oboes and clarinets makes...Alas! our music might be much better and more beautiful if only the Archbishop were willing ( to add clarinets)..."
That about sums it up nicely...GBK
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2001-09-22 22:52
Mozart is reputed to have hated the flute and detested the harp, but his flute & harp concerto must be one of his finest compositions, and it is difficult to imagine it appropriately played on different instruments.
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Author: Bill
Date: 2001-09-22 23:17
The writeup on the following web page indicates that Mozart's dislike for the flute may have been due to his not being paid by by a flutist, and/or the fact that the baroque flute was difficult to play in tune. I imagine that tuning would have been a problem for clarinets too.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2001-09-23 01:24
The genius of Mozart is even more apparent when one appreciates the beauty and perfection of his writing even with his "biases" against certain instruments - whether it be the poor intonation of the time, having less than talented soloists, or being pressed for time to finish a low paying commissioned work.
The Flute Concerto #2 in D Major sounds as perfectly suited to the flute as it does to its original intended instrument - the oboe (K.314)
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Author: Terry Horlick
Date: 2001-09-23 07:27
The Marcellus CD of the Mozart clarinet concerto in A I just got has ttwo flute concertos on it also. The liner notes go into much detail on the commission for the various concerti. Also goes into detail on his liking of clarinet and dislike for flute. Biggest points were poor flute intonation and no virtuoso flautists available to him. The clarinet works were inspired by virtuoso Anton Stadler who he wrote for. If there was a magnificent flute player at the time then the Mozart flute pieces would be different, and possibly more numerous.
It was noted that in Mozart's time most clarinet parts were played by an oboist or flautist who was doubling on the clarinet.
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Author: Wes
Date: 2001-09-24 03:07
The rumors about Mozart disliking the flute certainly don't seem to be true when you listen to his genius compositions for the flute. There have also have been comments about his not being paid for flute compositions and comments about his romantic infatuation with a girl causing him to delay his flute compositions in order to see her more.
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