The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Rainwaltz
Date: 2023-08-06 02:22
Can these be improved by sanding,scraping, dipping in warm water, etc? Given cost I have been reluctant to mess with them.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2023-08-06 02:31
Rainwaltz wrote:
> Can these be improved by sanding,scraping, dipping in warm
> water, etc? Given cost I have been reluctant to mess with them.
We had a member, Bob Bernardo, who posted a few times about how he adjusted Legeres. You might do a search for his posts. He hasn't posted here in a couple of years.
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Author: Selmer Buff
Date: 2023-08-06 07:01
I bought a 35 and 40. 35 was harder than the 40 and both too hard for me. I asked DANSR how to adjust. They said 'send them in' because there is variability. They were going to measure them. They sent me a 35 and a box of cane reeds, neither of which I wanted. (I'd like the money back) They haven't told me about their measurements. Actually, now they don't return any emails. I would think for $45/ea, they'd measure them before they left the factory. No more Vandoren plastic for me.
Seems like they should be adjustable. Also seems they should NOT need it.
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