The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Feliped80
Date: 2020-03-20 14:32
Hi everyone any Old Clarinets in C for sale ?
Hard finding these online
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Author: jdbassplayer
Date: 2020-03-20 15:26
They get sold all the time. You just have to know how to spot them out as they are usually mislabeled. One just went for $50 on “that auction site”. Be aware that many times older instruments can have poor intonation.
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Author: Feliped80
Date: 2020-03-20 16:34
Is there a way to tell the difference in older C and Bb clarinets just by looking at the posted photos ?
Thanks for your reply
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Author: jdbassplayer
Date: 2020-03-20 16:48
Look at the barrel, it will be shorter than a Bb barrel. Then look at the pad cup for the left-hand-2 ring key. It will be offset to the right. Lastly, to differentiate it from an Eb, make sure it has a two piece body.
BTW I sent you an email.
Good luck on your search!
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Author: Steven Ocone
Date: 2020-03-20 17:02
I have one (non Boehm) clarinet but (if I remember correctly- I'm at home right now), it has multiple cracks and needs an overhaul. I'm not even sure of the pitch.
Steve Ocone
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Author: ruben
Date: 2020-03-20 17:11
You might be better off getting a new Ridenour: not much more expense-or not at all more expensive-than a used wooden one and better in tune.
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Author: Feliped80
Date: 2020-03-21 13:13
Thanks Jdbassplayer I will keep an eye out for these details.
I checked my emails but didn’t receive anything.
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Author: jdbassplayer
Date: 2020-03-21 20:10
I sent it again, if it doesn't work click on my username and email me.
Personally I would avoid getting an unrefurbished Albert C clarinet. Many of them use special C clarinet mouthpieces that are unavailable today. A good number of them are also not tuned to A=440. You don't want to overhaul an instrument only to find out you can't use it. On the other hand, Boehm C clarinets almost always use a Bb mouthpiece and are usually tuned to modern pitch.
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Author: oian
Date: 2020-03-22 07:06
Another place to look is on the site, It's an auction site of Goodwill. They have a lot of various instruments and sometimes you can find something interesting. I found C low pitch albert system Cuesnon France. Its shown in the Sherman,Clay&Co 1915 catalog. The case is a disaster but the clarinet itself looks almost unused One pad was missing, but when replaced it plays. The mouthpiece is the original one made of ebony (The catalog says that for an extra $1.35 you can get a hard rubber mouthpiece instead. I think it may have set on a shelf somewhere for a long time.
Post Edited (2020-03-22 07:19)
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Author: Feliped80
Date: 2020-03-22 10:52
Tried their website but for some reason on load.
I’ve seen a similar clarinet like that near my house for sale. It belonged to someone’s father but unfortunately due to him passing away they wanted someone else to use it. They new nothing about the clarinet but was asking for £120.
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Author: igalkov
Date: 2020-03-22 12:14
Hi Feliped80, is there any reason you want exactly «old» C clarinet? Because newly made Chinese synthetic Moresky E201 is a decent C clarinet for ~$100+ shipping. This brand has a wooden C clarinets as well
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Author: Enatural
Date: 2020-03-22 20:28
Attachment: IMG_20200322_172821.jpg (227k)
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Hello Filiped80,
I have not sold any clarinets yet although I have been collecting for the past 5 years. I do however have 4 C clarinets.
But before you think of buying an old C clarinet you should consider carefully jdbassplayers comments. Every clarinet is a different length and has a different size bell, barrel, mouthpiece, cap and ligature. You need Eb Reed's because Bb are too long. Mouth pieces need refacing they are not like a modern Bb mouthpiece. The keys are pinned not screwed axles and obviously different sizes. Cracks are common on wooden instruments and all rings are loose. If you just want one to play then a new Chinese could be good for you.
Here is a photo so that shows what a C clarinet can look like
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Author: Feliped80
Date: 2020-03-23 03:48
Attachment: CD4EAB2B-5897-4A1E-9CBD-E7357B364BE0.jpeg (34k)
Attachment: 4C39F1FF-2ECB-445A-98BE-D7151E20B71D.jpeg (30k)
Hi igalkov
The reason I’m looking for an old c clarinet is because a really good friend of mine plays an Weril Brasil Clarinet in C really old instrument and recommend me getting one. The Weril clarinets are not produced anymore their factory shutdown. The particular one I’m looking for is an C clarinet 14 keys which I’ve been looking for one just a little over 6 months and cannot find it.
Will attach photo of the clarinet. It’s more of a sentimental buy more than anything else. So just looking for something cheap for now to try out a clarinet in C
Post Edited (2020-03-23 03:50)
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Author: Feliped80
Date: 2020-03-23 03:56
Hi Enatural
I loved the second one it looks a lot like the one I’m looking for.
A lot of my friends advised me to stay away from old C clarinet but like I said in the top post it’s more of a sentimental buy.
Found a nice one on eBay but seller won’t post. Just got to keep an eye out for when one comes up for sale.
If you ever decide to part with the one in the second photo let me know.
I’m based in the UK.
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Author: Enatural
Date: 2020-03-23 15:19
So, The second one is Zazvonil Kladno, it is not the same as the one you are looking for, and it is waiting for a repair to the top section bottom tenon. Thats the problem of a wooden clarinet, they used to rot away if you didn't dry out your clarinet after use.
The main differences are the roller touch pieces for L4 and R4, and the uni post G sharp cross over key side L1.
However the biggest difference by far is the left pointing silver or banana Bb / F key on the bottom section. This key used to be here before ring keys were introduced in the early 1800's, but was moved to the other side under the ring key bar. I have seen this set up on smaller clarinets but not in a C clarinet.
So, the Weril Brasil Clarinet you are chasing is a very unique model.
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