The Clarinet BBoard
Author: kdk
Date: 2019-05-24 20:02
I carry my clarinets (ironically, Selmer 10Gs) in a Buffet "Pochette" style case (bells store on the bottom tenon). It's probably at least 30 years old and is still in quite good condition. I have no reason to replace it. The canvas cover, which I bought with the case, is also still in excellent condition, except that the zippers have begun to wear out and tend to separate, especially where they fit over the corners of the case.
I haven't yet tried to find someone with a commercial-grade sewing machine who might be able/willing to simply replace the zippers. I'm not sure who in my area does this kind of stitchery. I don't think the local dry cleaners are equipped. If I can't get the zippers replaced, I'm perfectly willing to replace the cover, but I don't see these Buffet covers on any of the online vendors' websites. Are they, to anyone's knowledge, still available (or something very similar)? Has anyone had a cover custom-made or a commercial one custom-fitted?
I have a similar question about a case cover for my even older Leblanc Eb bass. The original case, which I have recently had rebuilt, holds the instrument much better, with much less play around the joints for them to move when the case is closed, than the two generic cases I tried to replace it with. But the cover is a mess. I'd like to replace the cover (no question here of repairing it), but the best I've gotten is an offer from Muncy Winds to recommend a cover based on measurements that I would supply, which I suspect will end with a functional but too-loose-fitting cover that will flop off every time I open the case. Is there a source that would make a custom-fit cover?
This probably sounds very OCD, and my hope for well-fitting, correctly functioning case covers may be impracticable and completely misplaced, but I thought I'd ask.
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Author: Claudia Zornow
Date: 2019-05-25 01:33
I've had zippers replaced at my local shoe & luggage repair shop.
On a similar note, I'm going to need to replace the case cover on my Yamaha double case soon (the clarinets I keep in it are actually Buffets). I've been using a Lands' End attache case, which fits perfectly, but they don't make those any more and the metal ring that holds one side of the shoulder strap just wore through. Other parts of the cover are about ready to fail too, so it's time for a replacement. Does anyone know which covers would fit a Yamaha case well and have convenient internal pockets for storage?
And I agree with Karl -- a well-fitting cover would be much more pleasing than a kinda-sorta- one. If that's OCD, so be it...
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Author: Erez Katz
Date: 2019-05-25 02:15
I had a custom cover made for my old pochette case by a local maker some 20 years ago. I think it counts as old world craft these days. About 10 years ago i switched to a bulky bam case, which is bulky indeed.
This company looks like they might able to help:
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2019-05-27 00:50
Just a simple checkpoint ... if you're looking at zippers on anything you want to keep for a long time - if they don't say 'YKK' then you might want to check that the zippers come from a reputable manufacturer. If what you're buying is skimping on a few pennies for a reliable zipper who knows what else they're skimping on.
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Author: Zacharywest158
Date: 2019-05-27 17:11
Avoid the new Buffet pochette case covers. The stitching is weak and they come apart very easily. I’ve had to replace mine twice since January and now I’ve resorted to hand-sewing to reinforce the stitching.
Good luck!
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