The Clarinet BBoard
Author: BundyInfo
Date: 2016-05-03 04:51
I have an e flat (soprano) clarinet marked Bundy resonite made by Selmer.
The serial number is 882 (a very early S/N).
I am trying to assign the age and the value to this clarinet but don't know where to start.
the only other clarinet that I can find online that is like mine can be found at the website below:
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2016-05-03 05:03
There's one on the US iteration of that well-known auction site with a first bid price of $US250. Could go for more.
Tony F.
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Author: jcm499
Date: 2016-05-03 05:42
BundyInfo, I don't think Tony is trying to be coy. The rules of the forum prohibit links to active online auctions. Posters seem to take that rule down the slippery slope by not naming "the site that must not be named." It's the most famous auction site-- you know what it is! You should be able to find the listing quite easily with that site's search feature. Even I did!
(It's obviously eBay.)
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2016-05-03 06:38
Most Bundys and Vitos I have seen in good shape and overhauled sell around $400 at retail establishments (you know, brick and mortar stores).
...............Paul Aviles
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2016-05-03 06:42
If it's in ready-to-play condition, it might be worth $250, but that's a high price. Bundys in Bb seldom reach $100, and most go for around $50.
ClarinetsDirect has good instruments but overprices them. Also, the owner has less expertise than he admits.
Ken Shaw
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