The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Tony F
Date: 2016-02-02 07:52
A friend asked me if I could identify a clarinet the mother of one of his students brought in. It was hers when she played at school and she wanted to know if it was good enough for her child to use. The serial number places it as built in 1984, and this corresponds with her recollection of when it was bought for her.
She believes it to be a Buffet, but it has no trace of a manufacturers logo or model number anywhere on it, only the serial number.
As far as I can ascertain it is an E11, in very good condition. The case and mouthpiece are Buffet, and the case is correct for the date. It plays better than any other E11 I've come across. Did Buffet ever sell instruments without their Logo? Or can anybody think of a reason why any trace of a logo is absent?
Tony F.
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Author: JasonXR7
Date: 2016-02-02 12:24
I believe some E11s had their logos painted on, rather than etched into the wood. That could explain it's disappearance.
Does the keywork match when placed next to a Buffet horn?
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2016-02-02 15:32
Thanks for that, Jason. Yes, the keywork is Buffet, I was just puzzled by the lack of an embossed logo.
Tony F.
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Author: Steven Ocone
Date: 2016-02-02 16:46
Logo was a decal. They are often rubbed off. "Made in West Germany" will be inscribed - top of the lower joint if I remember correctly
Steve Ocone
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Author: Radovan
Date: 2016-02-02 17:00
I think that's a Evette Schaeffer student model (now E11). Its a same factory as Buffet Crampon. But, until mid '80s, only professional clarinets would have BC logo on them. That's very good instrument, compared to nowdays student models. It's vintage!
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