The Clarinet BBoard![The C4 standard](/clarinet/BBoard/images/C4.gif)
Author: Heather587
Date: 2014-08-08 00:50
I'm going to be heading off to college in a couple weeks and was just wondering what your thoughts were on what type of accessories I should have in my clarinet case? (ex. cork grease, swab, reed case, etc.) What are the necessities that every clarinetist should have, and give specific items that you have found work the best! I'm going as a Music Education major with clarinet as my concentration, but becoming a Performance major is also in the back of my mind.
Thank you
Post Edited (2014-08-08 01:11)
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Author: kdk
Date: 2014-08-08 01:09
Probably the same ones you use at home. A supply of reeds, a spare mouthpiece if you have one (in case of accident), a small electronic tuner.
If you adjust your reeds, you need whatever you use at home for the purpose - a knife or rush or an ATG block, glass...
Probably won't fit in your case, but a light music stand for your room.
Music to play. Are you going as a clarinet/music major or will the clarinet be strictly recreational?
Of course, anything you need and forget to bring with you can always be gotten later.
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Author: Filettofish
Date: 2014-08-08 01:31
I'll second what Karl said, except the stand. Most colleges don't allow you to play in your dorm rooms (that's what the practice rooms are for) so its unlikely you'd ever need you stand, unless your college of choice doesn't keep music stands in their practice rooms. Also, I wouldn't say its the biggest deal to have a tuner. If you have a smartphone, there are plenty of fine, effective tuner apps, there is no need to purchase an electronic tuner (or metronome).
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Author: as9934
Date: 2014-08-08 01:45
What I carry is:
*Clarinets (duh)
* Mouthpiece (Vandoren B45)
*Spare mouthpiece (Vandoren 5RV)
*Spare ligature and/or rubber bands
*10+ reeds (Rico Grand Concert Select Thick 3.5 and/or D'addario Reserve Classic 3.5)
*Different spare reeds (Vandoren blue box 3.5, legere 3.25 etc)
*Reed case
*Fine sandpaper
*Cork grease
*Tuners and/or smartphone
*metronome and/or smartphone
*exercise book
*Jazz book
*Metal stand
*chap stick
* small container for reed water (if needed)
*lyre (if needed)
*flip folder (if needed)
*small screwdriver
*bore oil
*polishing cloth
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Wind Ensemble
Buffet E11 clarinet , Vandoren Masters CL6 13 series mouthpiece w/ Pewter M/O Ligature, Vandoren V12 3.5
Yamaha 200ad clarinet, Vandoren B45 mouthpiece, Rovner ligature
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Author: johng ★2017
Date: 2014-08-08 02:01
Wow! what a list. I suppose it depends upon how big your case is and how heavy you want it to be. Most college campuses require a fair amount of walking, so weight matters. Start with the bare essentials of playing clarinet: reeds, some cork grease, a swab, a pencil. Then you can add things as you wish or if you are taking private lessons find out what your teacher recommends. Don't spend a ton of money just yet until you find out what is needed. Have fun at college!
John Gibson, Founder of JB Linear Music,
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-08-08 03:19
I play in one of the bands at our local college and the director INSISTS that all students have a stick one of those in your case. Also, a small stand, the type with FOUR legs that folds up and fits in your bell always comes in handy, especially while assembling and disassembling your clarinet. A mechanical pencil for marking your music as needed will come in handy. A screwdriver with the tiniest head you can possibly find (I found a great one at Home Depot) will come to the rescue when screws start backing out. A package of zig zag cigarette papers is important for when a hole gets clogged with saliva. I always have a set of musician's earplugs in my case...just in case I need to block out trumpets. I hope you have a roomy case:)
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Author: pewd
Date: 2014-08-08 04:29
Well, this doesn't have anything to do with college...
All clarinet students from beginners on up:
Reed guard or reed case
cork grease
I would suggest a college student needs a bit better quality items, but the above is required for all students, regardless of age.
College students should also have a good quality key oil, in a needle oil bottle, and a bore oiling kit. And a polish cloth - for silver or nickel plated keys depending on what you have.
A new case would make a good graduation present - one with a side pocket - Protec or gator or similar.
A reed clipper, cigarette paper, and a reed knife would be good additions.
Plus a flat piece of ceramic tile (4x4") or piece of glass for adjusting reeds.
Plus sandpaper.
Finale or Sibelius installed on your laptop would be a good idea as well.
A 2nd (backup) mouthpiece and 2nd ligature would also be a good idea. A 2nd clarinet for when the primary is in the shop is helpful, or for marching band use.
Most of my students (high school) have 2 instruments already - R13 for inside, E11 or Vito for marching. Take both, have both serviced before going off to school.
Having your instrument overhauled prior to going off to college would also be a good idea. Premium pads - cork on the top joint. Redo all the key cork, tenon corks, etc. before going off to school.
I hope that is helpful to you. Email me for specific brands/models, I have a list around here somewhere.
Performance major? Professional instrument. Possibly also an "A" clarinet.
Ask your college professor for recommendations - he or she might have specific requirements.
- Paul Dods
Dallas, Texas
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Author: kdk
Date: 2014-08-08 06:33
Roxann wrote:
> A
> mechanical pencil for marking your music as needed will come in
> handy.
Am I the only one who finds that I'm constantly breaking the points of mechanical pencils? I have a couple of sharpened #2 pencils in my case.
Roxann is right, though. You need some kind of pencil to write things into your music with.
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2014-08-08 08:26
Karl you are not alone in having difficulties with mechanical pencils. I also don't like how thin the leads typically are...
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Author: as9934
Date: 2014-08-08 15:19
I prefer a standard pencil in my case with a mutlitool that I can use to sharpen it. The multitool is also useful for small fixes.a
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Wind Ensemble
Buffet E11 clarinet , Vandoren Masters CL6 13 series mouthpiece w/ Pewter M/O Ligature, Vandoren V12 3.5
Yamaha 200ad clarinet, Vandoren B45 mouthpiece, Rovner ligature
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Author: ErezK
Date: 2014-08-08 20:50
If you have a smartphone or a tablet, there are a bunch of tuner applications.
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Author: ErezK
Date: 2014-08-08 20:50
If you have a smartphone or a tablet, there are a bunch of tuner applications.
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Author: Heather587
Date: 2014-08-08 21:33
Thank you all for your insight on this topic! With all these extra tools I feel that it would be very wise to invest in a larger case to hold everything, and I will take your words of wisdom and put them to good use! Thank you
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2014-08-08 22:31
At the Phila. Orch festival, right after Ricardo's recital, before we sightread the Mendelssohn #2, he asked me if I had a screwdriver with me.
We both traveled light that day - neither had one, and usually we wouldn't be caught dead without one.
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2014-08-09 00:45
A few additional thoughts:
1. You may not need a music stand for campus but you might want one if you do any playing off-campus, e.g. at a local church. I'd take one to school if I were you and I'd get something a little more attractive/sturdy than the typical folding wire stand. K&M makes a sturdy folding black stand that is relatively light weight but attractive enough for performances.
2. Consider a stand light. You may find yourself in a venue where the lighting is less than adequate. My preference is the Mighty Bright with nine LED bulbs. It puts out a lot more light than the insect antennae type. (But you're young so your eyes may not need as much light as mine do. ) Of course, unless you are always somewhere that you can plug in, the light will need batteries. If you find yourself using a stand light frequently, you might consider rechargeable NiMH batteries and a charger.
3. Some clothespins may come in handy for outdoor performances. A sturdy water bottle will have uses beyond your music.
4. The small instrument stands that you can pack in your bell take up little space, are lightweight and are easy to carry. They are, however, also easy to knock over. The Blayman stands are sturdy but weigh a ton. I prefer a compromise - the K&M base with pegs for whatever instruments I'm carrying is pretty sturdy without being too heavy.
5 Post-it notes can be useful if you can't/don't want to mark your music directly.
6. If you wear eyeglasses, consider an extra pair to keep in your case/utility bag.
7. My case doesn't have a lot of room for accessories so I carry a (light-weight) utility bag. IMO, the best color is black but that's up to you. Look for something with lots of pockets to help you organize your stuff.
8. And, on the topic of stuff. Be aware that "stuff" happens and, when it does, you may not be able to get to a repair shop so it's a good idea to be prepared to deal with it on your own. You might want to consider acquiring the tools and supplies you need and learning how to make a few emergency repairs: replacing pads, key corks and tenon corks, e.g.. There is a Valentino Clarinet Emergency repair kit but, at $40, I think it's too expensive for what you get. I also don't consider Music Medic's kit a good value for the money. If they had left out the (IMO totally unnecessary) leak light and lowered the price accordingly, I might feel differently.
I have a small repair kit that I've put together over time that I would certainly want if I were away from home and often carry in my utility bag.
My kit includes:
1. a small screwdriver
2. a spring hook tool (a small crochet hook would also work)
3. an X-acto knife (for cutting cork)
4. a small ruler and a metal straight-edge
5. a small butane lighter
6. a small pair of scissors (mustache/beard scissors are about the right size)
7. a couple of key clamps
8. Q-tips and a couple of cotton balls
9. a small piece of glue gun glue
10. an assortment of Valentino greenback pads -- these are great because you can press them into place without having to use glue and, generally, they are pretty easy to seat, very useful if you have to replace a pad in a hurry
11. an assortment of small (3.5" x 6") pieces of different grades of sandpaper
12. an assortment of (relatively small) pieces of different sizes of sheet cork, including a few tenon corks that I have pre-cut to size
13. an assortment of needle and flat springs (probably not really necessary but I already had them)
14. a small (2" x 2" x 5/8") piece of paraffin (for treating tenon corks to protect them from cork grease)
15. dental floss
16. a small roll of plumber's teflon tape
17. several pieces of self-adhesive paper (I use labels for old computer floppy disks) to make shims for pads, if necessary
18. very small bottles of:
a. contact cement
b. key oil
c. bore oil (Omar Henderson's Bore Doctor)
Most of these things are available at supermarkets or local hardware stores. The corks and pads you can get from online instrument repair suppliers like Ferree's tools or JL Smith Co. A set of Valentino pads will run around $20. You can buy less expensive pads but the ease of installing Valentinos is worth the extra money, IMO.
Best regards,
Post Edited (2014-08-09 00:48)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2014-08-09 00:57
Jack Kissinger wrote:
> 3. Some clothespins may come in handy for outdoor
> performances.
Better than clothespins for outdoor performances is a piece of plexiglass 12" x 18" x 3/16". It will cover two full pages of music without worrying about securing clothespins each time you turn pages.
Very inexpensive - your local hardware store will cut it for you.
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2014-08-09 06:12
Definite yes to plexi for outdoor. I had never performed much with music outside (most of my outside gigs are memorized stuff) and I had to perform outside on a windy evening a couple weeks ago. Another person attending the performance had some of these large plexi pieces in his car for when his dance band plays outside and he was kind enough to let us use a couple.
Best idea ever.
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