The Clarinet BBoard
Author: JryCYC
Date: 2013-11-21 14:46
I have never played Rossi clarinet, so I am just curious.
What is difference in playing between American and French bore?
Even, how does they compare with R13?
Which bore do you prefer?
I am using R13 Bb and RC A.
Many thanks
Post Edited (2013-11-21 20:34)
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2013-11-22 19:56
I only know the descriptions that you can read on the Rossi website. I did however contact Mr. Howard Klug as to which he used and his preference which he also recommends to his students is to play the French Bb and the American 'A.'
..................Paul Aviles
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Author: bmcgar ★2017
Date: 2013-11-23 20:06
The description on Luis's Web site is about as accurate as any non-scientific description could be, but I'll add my own comparison.
ALL other things being equal, the French bore (which I prefer) has a less-direct, less "pointed" sound than the American bore . More "round." More "intimate." Less "in your face."
I can see why Howard would recommend the American bore on the A clarinet over the French. It's more in line with what American players prefer, and would be a better match with the French bore Bb than the French bore A.
Personally, I like the timbre differences, but if you're of the school that wants your A clarinet to sound as similar to your Bb as possible, I'd go with Klug's recommendation.
As to a comparison with the R13, I can only speak to what I hear with my 1961 R13, and that is that the R13 Bb clarinet is to the Rossi American bore Bb what the Rossii American bore is to the Rossi French bore. The R13 is more "direct," more "pointed," more narrowly "focused."
Post Edited (2013-11-23 20:09)
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