The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Andge
Date: 2001-03-31 11:12
I am in the process of applying as a junior student into a music school, and I would like to have recommendations for two good audition piece. I play music around the grade 3-5 level. The two pieces should contrast each other and show a wide range of skills and techniques.
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Author: Aaron
Date: 2001-03-31 14:14
Well as far as a piece for solo clarinet only, if that something youi'd be interested in, I would reccomend the Sutermeister "Capriccio" for solo clarient in A. this one although it is for solo clarient, has graet character and musicality, plus it's not preformaed all that much. I Also plllace this on the higher end of the scale because of range, articulations and expically meter changes.
Also another great piece is the Miklos Rosza's (Composer of the Ben Hur and other epic movie scores) "Sonatina" fo solo clarient in Bb. It's a wonderful piece and a joy to play. It'll definately be on the high end of the playability scale, but it really shows off the technical aspects of the playing. I would only reccomend playing the first movement, the theme and variations thoug...the second movement is a little much sometimes. It is a great fun piece to play.
Something on the definate contrasting side could be a Stamitz concerto, the 3rd concerto is nice. Nothing else other pops into my head at the moment.
Then there are the popular tunes. Mozart 622, Concertino cm von Weber, etc. All are great songs and could also be looked into.
good luck hoope i gave some good ideas for ya, at least some off the beaten path.
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Author: Katfish
Date: 2001-03-31 15:13
I think Aaron's suggestions are very good. Wanhall Sonara are very playable for a classical work. French pieces- Solo de Concours by Rabaud or Arabesque by Jean-Jean, also the Pocket Sonatas by Templeton are a little jazzy
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Author: Aussie Nick
Date: 2001-03-31 23:18
I think that the Sutermeister is a great peice but it may be a little too challenging at this stage of development. There is also the possibility that Andge may not have an A clarinet.
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