The Clarinet BBoard
Author: curious traveler
Date: 2001-03-28 01:48
Hi! The Symphony Orchestra that i perform in is taking a trip to Spain towards the end of May and I was wondering if any of the readers from Europe (or people who would know) could enlighten me with information about what the climate is generally like near the end of May. I was starting to think about what kinds of reeds i am going to need (generally harder or thinner) or if it will be dry or humid, hot or cool? I haven't been able to find information like this online and was wondering if anyone could help me out! Thank you SOOO much!
curious traveler
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Author: Lynne
Date: 2001-03-28 20:28
Dear Curious Traveller: I had a trip to northern Spain last August with a school band. It was very hot and dry. Most of the gigs we did were in the evening and outdoors when it was a little cooler, and my reeds didn't suffer too badly although I got quite sunburnt! Southern Spain will be much hotter....where are you going to? It sounds like a fun trip - enjoy yourself!
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