The Clarinet BBoard
Author: paker
Date: 2012-05-25 00:59
I bought a 1974 Evette and Schaeffer. The barrel has a crack running the full length on the inside, but it doesn't show on the outside.
I read about using thin super glue. My problem is I found the crack while I was oiling the barrel. The crack must be coated with oil by now. What are my options? Thanks.
Post Edited (2012-05-25 01:01)
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2012-05-25 01:19
Since the crack doesn't go through, most repairmen opt for superglue, then buff the crack using something small like a Dremal tool. I use a different tool, that seems more accuate than the Dremal. Anyway, this will smooth out the tiny build up and keep the barrel tuned properly. I'd fix the barrel and if it doesn't tune the horn correctly, or if you run into a few notes that are stuffy maybe sell the barrel on Ebay.
As far as the bore oil goes use a bit of water on a rag and if it's really soaked with oil add a small amount of mild soap. Don't soak the barrel in water, just wipe it off before adding super glue. I'd actually wait a day or 2 for the barrel to dry out and shrink to it's natural size.
However, if this barrel doesn't play in tune perhaps look around for another barrel, often from another barrel maker other then Buffet.
For me a really good barrel that tunes the horn correctly and if the bell tunes the low notes properly you will have a wonderful time playing the clarinet when you don't have to fight intonation issues.
I'm using a moenig 66mm barrel on A clarinet with a Bb Buffet bell on my A clarinet.
A mouthpiece can also effect the intonation, but at this point simply fix or replace the barrel and see what happens. This is kind of a topic that will drive even the finest pro's crazy, so again, I'd keep it simple and check the barrel or other barrels for better intonation and a good sound quality.
Designer of - Vintage 1940 Cicero Mouthpieces and the La Vecchia mouthpieces
Yamaha Artist 2015
Post Edited (2012-05-25 01:29)
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2012-05-25 01:58
I'd use alcohol and cotton buds to clean the oil from the problem area, allow to dry and then fill the crack with superglue using a toothpick. Smooth the bore with a dowel wrapped with something like 600 wet and dry paper, then finish with 1200.
Tony F.
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Author: paker
Date: 2012-05-25 05:39
Thanks for the suggestions. I will try alcohol first to dry out the crack. I am not sure if I am a clarinet player or clarinet collector. Multiple clarinets, multiple problems. Thanks again.
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Author: SteveG_CT
Date: 2012-05-25 13:10
paker wrote:
> I am not sure if I am a clarinet player or clarinet collector.
Nothing wrong with being both.
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Author: paker
Date: 2012-05-26 18:56
Thanks for the advice. I used the thinnest superglue I could get from Walmart. It was also the cheapest. One application filled it right up. I cannot tell where the crack was. Now I need to slowly sand the excess glue. The barrel is saved!
I need to decide what pads to put on this '74 E&S. I am an engineer. My engineering mind automatically prefers engineered pads (synthetic) to natural ones (leather, cork). Is there a reason why I must not use synthetic pads? It seems to be s a matter of personal preference. Am I correct? Thanks.
Post Edited (2012-05-26 18:58)
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2012-05-26 19:52
> I need to decide what pads to put on this '74 E&S. I am an engineer. My
> engineering mind automatically prefers engineered pads (synthetic) to
> natural ones (leather, cork). Is there a reason why I must not use synthetic
> pads? It seems to be s a matter of personal preference. Am I correct?
My engineering mind would suggest to use the same kind as on the other keys, just to keep uniformity across notes.
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Author: paker
Date: 2012-05-26 20:05
I am putting all new pads. Frankly, I want to put in synthetic pads.
I will listen to both engineering minded and non-engineering minded members. ha ha.
PS: An unrelated question. I have an '90 E11 and '74 E&S. Now I have an opportunity to buy an inexpensive C12. Is C12 far better than both? If you say yes, I may buy it. Please say no. ha ha.
Post Edited (2012-05-28 14:12)
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Author: Wes
Date: 2012-05-26 22:15
I prefer cork pads on the top half and double skin pads on the bottom half, from Ferree's. Synthetic pads have been difficult to seat properly for me, as an electrical engineer. Some seem sticky, also, and the Norbeck pads have not been useful to me at all. Div grad equals del squared!
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2012-05-27 06:12
There's no problem using synthetic or other pads. What's much more important IMO is the quality of the specific pads, not the type. There are excellent bladder pads and there are lousy ones. There are great synthetic pads and not so good ones too. For synthetic pads I really like Omni pads but don't like Valentino so much, though I haven't tried their (supposedly improved) new model which might be a little different. For bladder pads for example even two different models from the same company can have significant differences.
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2012-05-27 22:34
Tooth picks work, but I'd rather use something thinnerto get into the actual crack. Something thin and small and applying a thin coak, by whipping off some of the glue. I like to cut down filler gauges, .025 to maybe .005, but again a tooth pick will work, just harder to get the glue deep into the crack. Since the crack doesn't go though the toothpick should hold and seal very well. I should have said this earlier.
alcohol is also excellent for removing oil. Please be careful not to drench the wood as it will remove some of the natural oils and change, shrink the inside bore size. But if you use it sparingly you will be in great shape. Just a few small drops is needed and it won't change the shrink the inside bore. This can actually help open up the crack and allow you to fill the crack easier. Also use a q-tip and take of some of the cotton before adding the drop or 2 of glue.
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Author: paker
Date: 2012-05-28 01:57
Thanks for the tip. Next time I will follow your instruction. The crack was so narrow that superglue got wicked right in. Since I used a blunt tip, I now have to do some sanding.
Post Edited (2012-05-28 14:13)
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