The Clarinet BBoard
Author: OmarHo
Date: 2012-04-12 15:24
I'm scheduled to play the Janacek Concertino (doubling Eb and Bb clarinets) for next year as a part of Chamber Series and I just took a look at the part and in the 3rd movement (for Bb), starting in rehearsal 2, there are many licks that start on a low Eb (not a misprint). Since I don't have a low Eb on my R13, my solution was to put a tube in my bell or a portable stand, but my dilemma is that after the low Eb, there are licks that use the B, which may be affected. Also, after a long sequence of these licks that start on a low Eb, it changes to low E natural, which gives me no time to take the tube out of my bell, because the licks have to flow seamlessly into one another.
The other solution would be to just get the bassoon player to play the beginning of the licks for me...but I'm curious to know what other people have done in the past.
Thanks so much, looking forward to hearing your ideas....
If you want to see what I'm talking about here's the score:,_Leo%C5%A1)
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Author: davyd
Date: 2012-04-13 02:48
Playing the Eb's up an octave might work in a pinch; certainly not the "best" solution, but I can't imagine that this piece is well enough known that most listeners would notice. But you have plenty of time to rewrite the part for the A instrument.
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Author: Steve L
Date: 2012-04-13 13:07
Now I'm confused. The link to the score shows all instruments in the key of C including the clarinets. Am I missing something or should the E flat really be an F.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2012-04-13 13:46
If the score is all in concert pitch, then the written low Eb in the clarinet part will be low F on a Bb.,_Leo%C5%A1)
It's hard to tell what's going on there - I've searched for unison passages to see if that helps but can't find any! But the last chord is Ab Major and the clarinet is playing Bb, so either that's an added 9th or he's just left the key signature open for all instruments. The horn parts are mostly in the treble clef and not on ledger lines below, so it's as read.
Which means there are written low Ebs (concert Dbs) for the Bb clarinet which is fine if you've got a full Boehm, but if it's easier on an A, then play it on an A - I doubt anyone will notice or make a fuss if you're using the 'wrong' clarinet if it makes it feasible.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
Post Edited (2012-04-13 13:56)
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Author: gsurosey
Date: 2012-04-14 01:02
The score states Clar-B (Clarinet in Bb). If it were meant to be Clarinet in C, wouldn't it say Clar-C? Janacek is Czech; do they tend to use full Boehm Bb clarinets over there?
The score looks like all parts are written without key signatures, and accidentals are added as needed (all over the place).
It sounds like a concert Db on this YouTube recording:
Clarinet Stash:
Bb/A: Buffet R13
Eb: Bundy
Bass: Royal Global Max
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