The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Kristeeya
Date: 2011-11-06 18:46
Hi! I'm Kristeeya c: (I'm new by the way, so please be kind to my n00bish soul! T^T)
I am currently a Freshman in search of an upgrade from my crappy plastic Clarinet! I have been playing for about 4 years. I'm not looking into pursuing Clarinet after I graduate High School, sadly! I'm planning on joining 2 woodwind ensembles + Orchestra in addition to Symphonic Band at school. (I also want to try out for District & All-State Band!)
I'm looking into buying a Buffet E11 or R13.
I know that the E11 is Intermediate and the R13 is Professional and that the R13 is a load more money than the E11. I was wondering if I should shoot for the R13 or just stick with the E11 considering I won't be pursuing music later on. Money is kind of an issue, but if I was planning to get the R13, I'd get the money and buy it eventually.
Thanks in advance!
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2011-11-06 19:30
Hmm, why do you want to limit yourself to a Buffet? Not that they're bad instruments, but there are some other makes around that might (or might not, depending on personal preferences) give you more oomph for your money.
Also, is it about "new", or would second-hand be an option as well?
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Author: SteveG_CT
Date: 2011-11-06 19:31
You said money is an issue so you should probably let us know what your budget is. In most cases if you are on a tight budget you are better off buying a used clarinet and having it overhauled instead of buying a brand new instrument.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2011-11-06 20:51
Kristeeya -
The quality of your equipment becomes more important the closer it is to your face. A great reed and mouthpiece will let you sound good on almost any clarinet. Combined with a great barrel, they will make a decent plastic clarinet hard to distinguish from a top-of-the-line clarinet.
Walter Grabner has mouthpiece/barrel combinations for $345.
Greg Smith has them for $500.
You could also get a mouthpiece and barrel from separate makers.
And of course the closest thing to your face *is* your face. In the long run, your tone depends on your lips, tongue and soft palate, as well as your blowing muscles. A professional player will sound great on almost any setup. So can you.
If your present clarinet is seriously out of tune or seriously bad quality (such as the clarinet-shaped objects sold by Walmart and other non-music stores), you should upgrade to an instrument that's made right. A Buffet E11 will be fine, but so will a B12, a Yamaha YCL250, a Vito 7212 or a Selmer CL301.
You may feel better with a wood clarinet, and if you can afford the several hundred additional dollars, go for it. Also, people who judge quality by eye rather than by ear will be impressed and even intimidated if you walk in with an R13. Still, I would much rather play my handmade mouthpiece and barrel on a plastic student clarinet body than the other way around.
Ken Shaw
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Author: JJAlbrecht
Date: 2011-11-06 20:59
For less than the cost of a new E11 (let alone an R13) you could get a wonderful hard-rubber clarinet (brand new) from Tom Ridenour. His Lyrique 576 bc sells for less than $1K and is a wonderful instrument that will never crack, which one cannot say about wooden instruments. Plus, he is a small-scale manufacturer and very attuned to his customers' needs and wants. It would be in your best interest to investigate his instruments before buying something. You could get a Bb and an A for less than the cost of an R13!
DISCLAIMER: I have no financial affiliation with Tom Ridenour; I am simply a satisfied customer.
“Everyone discovers their own way of destroying themselves, and some people choose the clarinet.” Kalman Opperman, 1919-2010
"A drummer is a musician's best friend."
Post Edited (2011-11-06 20:59)
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Author: Franklin Liao
Date: 2011-11-07 05:46
If you are willing to spend the money of E11, I would seriously suggest giving a look at LB210 Bliss Clarinet and other overhauled professional instruments, such as that of an used Opus II. The choices at this price range are honestly staggering and it'd be foolish to merely consider that of Buffet construction if you are not obliged to go with the brand.
Post Edited (2011-11-07 05:47)
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