The Clarinet BBoard
Author: karlbonner82
Date: 2010-04-14 07:19
Which non-Bb clarinet do you think is most useful? Orchestras use the A a lot, but I might not end up taking that path. Are there any modern compositions that call for A clarinets (I'm thinking stuff like movie and video game soundtracks.)
I'm also very interested in the high Eb size. I've never gotten the chance to blow through one, and the one time the band used an Eb the music was too loud to hear what it sounds like.
For someone who'll be using it for something other than symphonies, what are your opinions?
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2010-04-14 07:59
If you play a lot with non-wind musicians, consider getting a "C" clarinet.
If you play a lot with wind musicians, get an eefer (or better yet, a bass).
Reason is that wind music ensembles are used to a) transposing instruments and thus b) more than likely have parts ready for Bb or Eb instruments.
Others musicians (strings, piano etc) might be more likely to play at concert pitch in which case a C instrument might be handier.
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Author: jasperbay
Date: 2010-04-14 17:22
If you play mostly 'solo', for your own enjoyment, the little Eb is fun, but my fingers are a little too fat for the boehm-system Eb's , had to go to an Albert-system with more room around the holes, still fun though.
For movie tracks, pop songs and the like, I've grown pretty fond of the E-flat 'Alto' clarinet. Almost as mellow as a Bass, but not so bulky and heavy that you wish it had a floor peg! You probably will want a neck strap, though.
Altos go for low prices on "the online auction site" because fewer bands and orchestras use them. They're available in mostly-open-hole, for average to large hands, plateau-style for average to small hands.
There are many threads in the BB archives concerning brand preferences on all types of clarinets, you might want to "search" them out.
Clark G. Sherwood
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Author: concertmaster3
Date: 2010-04-14 20:38
Depends again on what you want to do musically. If you want to play for bands/wind ensembles, Eb could be a great asset. For anything else, like more improvised works, C would be a good choice I think.
Ron Ford
Woodwind Specialist
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Author: DixieSax
Date: 2010-04-14 21:17
As has been stated above, it really depends on what you are doing musically. If you are playing in bands/wind ensemble types of groups, the Eefer would make the most sense (or a bass clarinet), but if you are playing orchestrally, the A is the way to go.
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Author: grifffinity
Date: 2010-04-15 00:26
IMO, if you are not following the orchestral path, save your money and get a Bass CL. More Bass openings in community bands (most bands have several bass players but only one Effer) and pit orchestras (many musicals have bass cl. while only a handful have Eb).
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Author: karlbonner82
Date: 2010-04-16 07:57
I'm sure that if I stick with it long enough, I'll end up with a bass.
My current plan is to start with the plastic Bb then upgrade to a semi-pro model in the future. I'd like to go much cheaper with the eefer and perhaps the A as well.
The C definitely has its place, but I personally don't find it to be as important as the Eb or the A. Sure it can play at concert pitch, but it's not too often where concert pitch takes center stage.
Then there's the bass. Very useful but probably not quite as much as the Eb or the A. I don't think it's worth getting one if it comes at the expense of these keys.
But I'm worried about contracting a serious case of Clarinet Acquisition Syndrome. If I'm not careful about it, I could end up with five or six horns!
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Author: Nessie1
Date: 2010-04-16 12:49
I would totally agree that what you will find most useful will depend on what kind of playing you end up doing.
However, I think I have commented before that if you find yourself playing in bands with no (or too few) oboes, a C can be useful.
Also, I would suggest it is probably better to take a little more time to build up the instruments and possibly pay a little more for the instruments and getting them put into good order than to spend out for a lot of sub-standard things which you may not be that happy with in the end and regret buying.
Finally, if I get the story right that you are not currently that experienced a player, when you get more into it you may well just find that one instrument or other is more "you" than the others. This can have to do with personality (Do you like to stand out (in which case may be you should try E flat? or are you more of a retiring type (in which case may be bass or E flat alto might be more your thing?) (That's just one example but you get the idea)) Or it can be related to physical characteristics - if you have very large hands you will may be more comfortable on bass than E flat, for example. As time goes on try a few instruments in stores or that friends have etc or borrow from groups you are playing with if you can before buying.
Hope this helps.
Happy hunting.
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Author: karlbonner82
Date: 2010-04-17 07:58
I have rather small hands and that tends to sway me toward the Eb soprano. In the recorder ensemble I play in, I usually do soprano or alto for at least partly hand-related reasons.
I'll start with a plastic Bb, and update as possible. But it has to be a GOOD plastic.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2010-04-18 17:05
Pretty much many composers that write for orchestra type music, that is just about anything not written for band but includes strings or chamber music orchestrations use the A clarinet often weather it's for a symphony, music for movies, which is often played by an orchestra, or chamber ensembles. Pretty mush the only ensemble that almost never uses an A clarinet is a band, or dance or jazz ensembles. The is also a great many solo and solo ensemble music written for the A clarinet. ESP
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Author: karlbonner82
Date: 2010-04-19 07:12
Interesting to hear that modern composers for things like movies and RPG video games still call for the A clarinet. I was under the impression that only classical-era works made very liberal use of the A. The reason for that assumption is that today's school music programs are dominated by bands that only use the Bb, and as a result, the Bb clarinet accounts for an overwhelming percentage of all the instruments in the market (say 90% or more, NOT counting altos or basses.) With the limited demand for As, there is limited supply of clarinetists who own one. And thus, video game and movie composers gravitate strongly toward the Bb even for keys that are somewhat better suited to the A (I'm thinking the keys of G and D mainly).
I didn't say that modern composers avoid the A altogether; only that it would make sense for them to use it only as a last resort if the Bb is a real nightmare to finger for a given piece.
So just how frequently do movie and game and TV composers use the A, as compared to the Bb?
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Author: clariniano
Date: 2010-04-19 22:31
Although I don't currently play in an orchestra, I find myself using my A clarinet regularly for some chamber music pieces and the occasional solo piece. And sometimes my husband chooses to write the hymns that I perform in church services on the A clarinet, even if they are doable on the Bb one. And I'm pretty sensitive to the key difference, and can tell when orchestral excerpts are played on the wrong clarinet (ie: A clarinet excerpts played on the Bb).
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