The Clarinet BBoard
Author: NBeaty
Date: 2009-11-19 00:26
I just wanted to know how many people play vintage mouthpieces, chedeville or kaspar, and if they have a backup mouthpiece that feels comparable (that is a modern mouthpiece).
I play a Kaspar Cicero and don't have a backup that feels comparable. So, I wanted to see what others have found.
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2009-11-19 01:51
Have you tried sending it away to a reputable mouthpiece refacer and seeing if they can take measurements and make a copy that plays/feels similar? I remember one person posting that they did this and ended up liking the "copy" more.
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Author: TianL
Date: 2009-11-19 06:20
I play on a Kaspar Ann Arbor.. I have not found a good backup. But I'm going to try some smith mouthpieces very soon hopefully I'll be able to get a good one.
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Author: William
Date: 2009-11-19 15:32
After meeting Charles Bay in Chicago (1970), I sent him my Chicago Kaspar #14 and he copied it's facing onto one of his Ithica mpcies. It is presently my "backup" (for my Kaspar) and sometimes--when I need a little extra volume--my main piece. They are both always carried in my clarinet case. As for other possible backups, I have a vintage Ann Arbor Kaspar, some Woodwind G8's customized by my old college professor, Glenn Bowen, a couple of really good Greg Smith Cicero & Chedeville zinners, a Richard Hawkins, my old high school Selmer HS**, an O'Brien crystal, a custom Ridenour and some other dust collectors. Let's not look into my sax cases.........
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