The Clarinet BBoard
Author: dbwams
Date: 2009-08-23 20:14
I aquired at auction an old Fernand Chapelain Clarinet. It is wood and dark brown. It is a B clarinet and has an HP engrave on it near the bottom. I also has an older unusual leather case that is sort of shaped like a quiver for arrows. From what I've been able to research on my own I have found that the company was in business in France from the late 1800's to about 1917. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me more about it, if it is somewhat rare.
Post Edited (2009-08-24 02:12)
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2009-08-23 20:39
I still have a case like you describe, I believe they are as old as highbutton shoes, and prob. earlier than 1910, having some more "modern" cases from that time period. Is your cl a Boehm or Albert system? Does it show a B, C or A and "HP" or "LP" above the A key [upper joint] or else where? This info helps estimate age when it's trade name is unkown . Perhaps Mark C or others cab find this name, likely quite old ! Luck, Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2009-08-24 13:52
To me [not an expert, Help, Al Rice et al], you have a nice looking "Albert System " clarinet, a "2 ringer" with Patent C# and individual A and G# keys !!, of the "13 key" variety. I believe there are several websites devoted to the Alberts, Help, GBK et al. I'll look in Al Rice's "Cls in the Classical Period" for similars and dates. My guess is perhaps as early as 1875. Luck, Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: Drake
Date: 2009-08-26 01:05
May I say that it is a beautiful instrument. It's unlike anything I've seen or played.
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Author: WillyWally
Date: 2009-08-28 00:22
Dear Don,
I have a Champelaine clarinet. It as a B over a LP. It is made of dark wood and is beautiful! I cannot find a serial number and I don't know how to value the piece or figure the age. Can you help? Thanks Bill
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