The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Sriram Ramachandran
Date: 1999-03-21 23:51
Hello there,
I live in San Francisco and am planning on taking clarinet lessons. Can someone please provide some information about clarinet lessons for a beginner in San Francisco or in the Bay Area ? My Yahoo and Lycos search turned-up empty :-(
Sriram R.
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Author: Pam L
Date: 1999-03-22 00:35
You may want to contact the music department at the local universities or colleges as well as the San Francisco Music Conservatory (I think this is the name, but I'm not sure). If you have never played before, you may want to start out with a music major - several of the pros that I know prefer to only take students who have already established a minimum level of knowledge. You may also be able to pick up flyers or cards from people offering lessons outside of Byron Hoyt. They are at 2525 16th Street (I think near Lyons). You may want to poke around Byron Hoyt while you're there because they will probably become your major music store since you're in SF. BH is open 9-5:30 Tuesday through Saturday. Their phone is 415-431-8055. Good luck and happy playing!
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Author: Dee
Date: 1999-03-22 02:33
Pam's advice is very good. The local schools, universities and band stores are your best bet. The internet is the POOREST way to find this type of information.
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Author: Rick2
Date: 1999-03-22 04:37
Are you in San Francisco proper, or just somewhere in the bay area? As you know, it's a big place so it matters. I'm in south bay so I dont know too much about SF teachers. but if you are in San FRancisco proper, you should try sending an email to Clark Fobes (a repair guy who also manufactures mouthpieces) and ask if he knows anybody. He advertises here on sneezy and has his email address listed in the sponsors area. I'm sure he knows just about every woodwind player in the city. If, however, you are in the south bay, send me an email and I might have some connections for you.
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