The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Monocrotis
Date: 2016-12-18 11:24
Okay someone give me a little info on the Vandoren Masters Series 13 Mouthpieces, the CL4, CL5, and CL6.
Are they good? And if so what's the deal? I've seen various reviews giving them quite a good reputation (in my opinion)
And right here on the website they sell for only $40 bucks
Is this just the ligature or the entire thing?
If it is then this is a steal.
There's gotta be a catch
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Author: Monocrotis
Date: 2016-12-18 11:38
Okay a little update
Amazon has in fact specified the whole set is just $40.00
Not entirely sure why or how but it is what it is
If you want to get a different type of ligature I believe it's just retail price, which id say you should stick with the pewter ligature
So again I reiterate:
Are these mouthpieces good?
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Author: gwie
Date: 2016-12-18 11:44
I bought a whole bunch of these when they were on sale under $50 last year. In particular, I find the CL4 to work really well for students and can accommodate a variety of reed preferences. It's great to have an affordable option, and despite some of the quality control issues a Vandoren mouthpiece at this price *is* a steal, and it comes with a decent ligature! The only issue is that most other metal ligatures will not work with these particular mouthpieces because of their unique shape.
Post Edited (2016-12-18 11:49)
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Author: Monocrotis
Date: 2016-12-18 12:34
Okay thank qwie
Would you recommend the masters ligature over, perhaps a rovner 1-vr?
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Author: donald
Date: 2016-12-19 02:24
I find the Masters ligature to be especially good with Legere and better than the Rovner, though it will encourage a brighter tone quality and snappier articulation- this may not be what you are looking for.
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Author: Monocrotis
Date: 2016-12-19 04:29
Well currently I'm using a b45 Vandoren mouthpiece with a plain metal Selmer ligature on a ycl 34, so I was hoping that using a masters mouthpiece and ligature might improve my playing, because at the moment I believe my Vandoren mouthpiece is wearing out a little and whenever left in the heat for short periods of time (even 15 minutes) without being attended to will leave it with this musty wooden disgusting smell.
Can't quite place why or how, and it's not the instrument (may be mold) but nonetheless I plan on replacing it
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Author: donald
Date: 2016-12-19 05:56
The smell is actually sulphur from the rubber compound that the mouthpiece is made of, and for this reason mouthpieces should never be exposed for extended periods of time to UV (sunlight) and heat if at all possible. Other symptoms of this degradation is that the shiny black surface will go a bit grey/green in colour and the facing curve and table of mouthpiece may become warped. Stay in the shade!
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Author: gwie
Date: 2016-12-19 10:11
They're good ligatures, and work well with the mouthpieces. Again, at $40 for both a hard rubber mouthpiece and a ligature with cap, there's not really a reason to be all that picky.
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Author: Monocrotis
Date: 2016-12-19 21:25
Yeah just bought one.
Thanks for the info guys
I plan on replacing my Vandoren mouthpiece
And it's interesting to know what was causing the smell thanks Donald
I'll give you guys a review on it when it arrives if anyone is interested
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Author: Monocrotis
Date: 2016-12-23 09:08
So for reference the Amazon deal is now over so it again is on sale for $130.00 if you check the link. So you can still get it, but it will cost 69.230769231% more than if you bought it earlier
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Author: Wes
Date: 2016-12-23 09:28
I bought a CL5 a few months ago when they had them on sale for $35 including cap and ligature. It plays great but I have played on an M3 favorite of mine for many decades and generally don't look for mouthpieces. To each one's own!
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Author: Dan Shusta
Date: 2016-12-24 04:59
Hi everyone,
I just checked, 12/23/16, 6pm MST, the CL4 is still listed on that auction site for $39.99.
I hope this isn't breaking the rules.
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Author: jbutler ★2017
Date: 2016-12-24 05:51
Glad you posted Dan. Just ordered two for putting with re-conditioned instruments.
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Author: Dan Shusta
Date: 2016-12-24 06:59
Good for you John.
I just checked again, 7:55pm MST, the CL4 is up for sale again on that auction site for $39.99.
For whatever reason, it appears that right after a sale, it's relisted again. It's almost like it's relisting on autopilot.
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Author: gwie
Date: 2016-12-25 15:09
Got two of them in the mail today...these ones are nice because the mouthpiece and ligature come in separate boxes. The earlier CL4 sets I bought had them all together, and the silver ligature tarnishes *very* quickly in the box together with the mouthpiece.
Btw, they're listed right now for $34.99, even less than before, so go and get'em before they're gone! :P
Post Edited (2016-12-27 11:33)
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Author: Dan Shusta
Date: 2016-12-26 11:47
I looked a little closer at the prices on that auction site:
WWBW has "2" ads for the CL4. One is for $39.99 and is other is for $144.99. Both free shipping and 30 day trial period.
Musicians Friend also has "2" ads for the CL4. One is for $34.95 and the other one is directly under it for $144.99. Both free shipping and 30 day trial period.
What's doing on?
Beats me...
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Author: gwie
Date: 2016-12-27 11:31
The way I look at it is this: The CL4 has actually worked out pretty well for a number of my junior high and high school students. Due to these crazy sales on these kits from WWBW, for the same price as an acrylic beginner piece, I can get them a hard rubber mouthpiece, a decent ligature, and a cap that actually fits in their cases. I've just stockpiled a number of them for future students...
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Author: Monocrotis
Date: 2016-12-28 23:49
Yeah the whole basis of this thread was around that question.
Quite odd to say the least.
They are in fact quality mouthpieces, after all they're vandorens.
The cl5 is the best one of the series in my opinion though
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Author: Dan Shusta
Date: 2016-12-29 04:17
Monocrotis wrote:
"The cl5 is the best one of the series in my opinion though"
But, I understand it is more resistant due to the medium facing versus the long facing of the CL4.
Do you notice any effort difference?
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Author: Monocrotis
Date: 2016-12-29 06:46
Ah I didn't notice.
Compared to my old Vandoren B45 it was much easier to use, and also if I was to sacrifice the difficulty of playing a CL4 then it's worth it because it gives a wonderful bright tone I was looking for, quite clear and resonant as well.
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Author: Jeroen
Date: 2016-12-29 13:51
Monocrotis wrote:
> Compared to my old Vandoren B45 it was much easier to use, and
> also if I was to sacrifice the difficulty of playing a CL4 then
> it's worth it because it gives a wonderful bright tone I was
> looking for, quite clear and resonant as well.
If you are used to a more open mouthpiece like the B45 then the CL5 and CL6 are the way to go. The CL4 feels too close then. At least to me, my favorite is the CL6.
The Vandoren Masters are quality mouthpieces. The sound is very "clean", sometimes too clean and then I would prefer a traditional Vandoren sound.
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Author: Johan H Nilsson
Date: 2016-12-29 14:03
Side by side, I prefer the CL5 to the very popular BD5, which has too much resistance for my taste.
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Author: Leif
Date: 2022-01-20 16:57
Could it be, that Vandoren discontinued the CL Master mouthpieces? Cannot find anything in their current portfolio or in the comparison charts.
I was quite happy with my CL4, but maybe the BD4 is a similar successor?
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Author: Jeroen
Date: 2022-01-20 17:54
Yes, I believe the Master series has been discontinued. They were never a big success.
I think the BD5 is the mpc to try, the BD4 is much more open.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2022-01-20 19:42
The CL series and the BD series are very different. The CLs (CL4, CL5, CL6) came along at a time when players were experimenting with very dark sounding mouthpieces like the Kuckmeiers. They found the basic sound of the older Vandorens like the 2RV, the M13 and the M15 edgier and brighter than they liked, especially in the altissimo and wanted something that would dampen the upper partials in the sound and produce a better blend in ensemble. The Vandoren BD5 with the little "scoop" in the baffle and other darkening features gave them what they were looking for, and the CL series did not. Sound concepts even in classical orchestral settings change with time. Fashions come in and out. The CL series was too traditionally "French" sounding-- with its tightly centered sound and vibrancy-- to suit the changing tastes. CLs have been discontinued. I love them personally and like to have them closed to about a 1.01 tip opening, but if you're looking for a more muted, velvety, darker sound--the sound that is now in fashion--the BD5 is the popular choice. If you have CL mouthpieces you might want to save them. The fashion in sound might change again to a more penetrating vibrancy, and they would be excellent pieces to use for that.
Here's a clip of Nicholas Baldeyrou sounding very "old French" on a CL4 and a CL5.
Personally, I like that sound.
Post Edited (2022-01-20 19:48)
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Author: Steven Ocone
Date: 2022-01-21 02:02
I am closing my shop this year and may have a CL mouthpiece available.
Steve Ocone
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Author: Ed
Date: 2022-01-21 04:34
I tried one when I found it on close out. It played very nicely. It was somewhat traditional with a bit of cover. I sold it to a student who loved it and sounded great on it
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Author: Patrick
Date: 2022-01-22 22:31
I played on a CL4 for a while. I remember they were a bit high in pitch even with the tuning ring they offered as well as playing a longer barrel. I have a 440 version of the CL4 and liked it, but it seemed to go pretty low in the high register. I was shocked to see they went in a different direction with the BD5, but trends change as we see these days.
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