The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Linda
Date: 2000-09-29 16:48
Is "Brannenizing" service necessary or desirable on a new Buffet R13? Would the normal adjustments done by IMS or BW&WW, or by brick and morter stores, suffice? Is this pad replacement and teflon work valuable? How bad could a brand new instrument be??? I'm just a confused parent...please advise!
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Author: Roger
Date: 2000-09-29 17:21
Brannenizing is really top notch. It is up to you to determine if the cost justifies it. By the way, an R-13 is a professional model. If you child is a beginner it really is a waste of money to buy one. In addition under no circumstances should an R-13 be used for marching band. Use a cheap plastic clarinet for marching.
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Author: John Dean
Date: 2000-09-29 22:04
Could any one give me the contact address for Brannenising please. I am in the UK and cannot find any address details other than Evanston, Ilinois. Many thanks.
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Author: John Dean
Date: 2000-09-29 22:08
Could any one give me the contact address for Brannenising please. I am in the UK and cannot find any address details other than Evanston, Ilinois. Many thanks.
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Author: mark weinstein
Date: 2000-09-30 04:34
it seems the choice is to do it right away or to do it when the clarinet may be ready for an overhaul, etc.
I fail to see how the Brannen service can work on regulation, where the clarinet moves from IMS to Brannen & then out to the customer for the first time. how would anybody know that the regulation that works for somebody else, will work for them. of course, regulation is only a part of the brannen service.
i've had it done where you drop off & pickup & then play it in their store. makes for easy adjustments. the brannen's pads are excellent.
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