The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Casey
Date: 2000-07-29 00:17
I just purchased an Ann Arbor Superb and wanted to know if anyone could help me learn a little more about it. Specificly, I would like help determining its age. It is quite oxidized, has the emblem below the scribe lines, a star in the middle of the mpc, "superb" near the top scribe line, only two scribe lines on the lower part of the mpc and no other markings(L, S, 16, 11, 4, etc.).
From the description is there anyway of guessing whether it is pre or post-1950's and the likelihood of it being made from a Chedeville blank? Thanks.
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Author: Bino
Date: 2000-07-31 04:38
I was told that if it has two scribe lines (like mine) it is pre-1950 and probably made from a Chedeville blank...If it has three scribe lines it is post-1950 made from something else...This is what my teacher told me...His also has two scribe lines and is made from Chedeville blank...Both mine and my teachers are Ann Arbor Kaspars...Hope this helped, and I hope it's the right info that was passed to me...
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Author: Casey
Date: 2000-07-31 17:08
Thanks for the info Bino. That is what I was told by the seller. Also, a person was selling one on ebay that fit this description and said something very similar. However, I have seen one fitting this description and the person says he bought it in 1968. Maybe he is a second or third owner. I guess, in the end, it doesn't really matter how old it is. It feels wonderful!
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Author: Marc
Date: 2000-08-03 15:06
It is possible that it is a Lalandai blank rather than a Chedeville. Still a good blank however. Also, it is probably from the late 50's to 1960's. Bottom line is if it plays well.
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Author: Marc
Date: 2000-08-03 15:10
Sorry, spelling error... should be Lelandais
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