The Clarinet BBoard
Author: windflare
Date: 2007-10-24 18:09
Hello everybody, first time posting on this site, some great info in here!
I want to ask you guys a question regarding this clarinet that I am looking at online. It's a Evette clarinet by Buffet, made in France, with a serial number in the 12xxx range and wooden, with no K or D in front of the serial. I've only heard of Evettes/E&Ss with serials in that range with Ks or Ds in front, so can someone enlighten me on what we have here?
Thank you so much!
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2007-10-24 19:03
Hi windflare, welcome to our friendly BBoard, I have a very similar [later?] Evette, with ser # 183xx, which I bot "for a song" because of a damaged lowest tenon. With some tweaking, it plays as well as any Buffet R13 I've had the opportunity to blow, in my limited Buff experience. Out of curiousity, I measured the U J bores, top 14.9 mm, lower 14.8, so jumping to conclusions, it may be a polycylindrical. I'll appreciate any thots here. With a 66mm barrel and a glass mp, it seemed to be a bit flat playing along with Bernstein's CD of Beeth's 6th on classical FM [does/did he tune to 442 ?]. I'll take a look for your EV "online" . Luck, Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: susieray
Date: 2007-10-24 19:48
Sounds like a "Sponsored by Buffet" Evette which I think is also what Don has....I believe these were made FOR Buffet at another factory....there is both a wood version and a hard rubber version. They really aren't as nice as the D and K Evettes (my opinion) but might be ok for a beginner horn IF in good shape and regulated properly!
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