The Clarinet BBoard
Author: libraman
Date: 2007-02-25 01:53
Hi guys,
I've been playing clarinet for almost 20 years, but I never have one of my own. I used to use many series of yamaha, selmer recital, and also buffet R-13. Now I'm not playing in any band or orchestra anymore, however I decide to buy a clarinet to play with my friend at home. Do you think R-13 is the good one for recital or duo with piano?? Or can you suggest me of the suitable one??
By the way, do you think new buffet R-13 around US$3000 is too expensive?? I live in asia and this price is what I found in japan. Please help me to give your information or opinion, because I'm going to japan again soon.
Thanks in advance for everybody's suggestion.
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Author: SVClarinet09
Date: 2007-02-25 01:57
Try out many different models. $3000 give or take is the Minimum Advertised Price in the US for Silver Plated R13s, $2600 for nickel-plated. Selmer Paris clarinets(any model) are also very good for their money. The Yamaha CS series are amazing. I love how they play. The Leblanc-Backun series are also amazing, as well as regular Leblanc. Try as many clarinets as you can out. You will eventually find one that suits you best.
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Author: libraman
Date: 2007-02-25 02:09
Actually, I like the Selmer one. Its sound is wide and dark, maybe because of the bigger bore. But I really want to know which one is the best for playing at home alone. anyway thanks for your suggestion.
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Author: joeyscl
Date: 2007-02-25 05:09
What's the difference between playing at home and playing in an orchestra?
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Author: massa
Date: 2007-02-25 05:30
libraman wrote:
> By the way, do you think new buffet R-13 around US$3000 is
> too expensive?? I live in asia and this price is what I found in japan.
If you are going to buy in/from Japan,
definitely check out Leblanc clarinets. I found they are sold much cheaper compare to Buffets and Selmers. You can find Leblanc Opus cheaper than Selmer Recital or Buffet R13SP. May people there think Leblancs are for students.
- m
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Author: mk
Date: 2007-02-26 00:23
The tell me a cup of coffee in japan costs like 10 us dollars... my brother-in-law just purchased a Lexus that parallel parks itself automatically for more than 30 times the price of that clarinet.....go for the r13 whatever the price.....
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Author: libraman
Date: 2007-02-26 02:09
If Leblanc Opus is cheaper than Buffet and Selmer, it is very interesting. Why didn't I mention that before? Thanks for your information. I should try as many clarinets as you all said. Or anyone has more suggestion,plaese let me know. Thanks.
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Author: SVClarinet09
Date: 2007-02-26 03:09
libraman wrote:
>Actually, I like the Selmer one.
I play a Selmer too. Those are wonderful instruments. The reverse cone bore used on them now brings the sound alive and the intonation is wonderful. The recital is an amazing clarinet. Also try out the new Arthea, and if you can, the St. Louis. That one is amazing.
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Author: libraman
Date: 2007-02-26 05:06
Yes, the recital was the one I use, and I like it. However, I used to play R-13 too, and it's also great. Although recital and R-13 are totally different in sound and intonation. Also Leblanc Opus is a must to try on. So I have to try them all again to make sure what I want to have. Thanks everyone and I still read this topic for my decision anyway.
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Author: massa
Date: 2007-02-26 15:55
mk mentioned, many thing in Japan are OVERpriced. Clarinets are one of those for sure. (Cars, on the other hand, you can get MUCH better features for the same bucks, at least compare to Canada)
If you are concerned about the pricetag, you should look into a second-hand market (many music stores have pretty good inventory of it). Leblancs are considerably cheaper as I stated. Don't underestimate the second-hand deals in Japan. You can find a just-out-of-box-like instruments and priced very well. (Used cars, also, maintained quite well and cheap)
libraman, take your time to look around. You will come across the great deal.
Good luck!
- m
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Author: libraman
Date: 2007-02-27 15:14
Thank you for all kindly suggestion. I feel good to be part of this board. So I think I have to take time to choose and I hope I can have a great deal on a great clarinet.
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