The Clarinet BBoard
Author: crnichols
Date: 2006-01-27 12:13
The Durand editions are usually folio size, so it's probably more readable than what you are looking at. Note, the Durand edition with piano contains some errors. You'd be better off buying the Peters edition. If you do get the Durand edition, there's a scan of the original orchestral score on this website, which you can consult to fix the errors in that edition, it's accurate.
Christopher Nichols
1st Infantry Division Band
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2006-01-27 14:50
The Durand edition used to be oversize, but they now print it in the standard 9" x 12" size. However, they photographically reduced the engraving, so the notes are rather small.
I have the older large edition, which has a separate clarinet part.
Durand uses dreadful, high-acid paper that falls apart after a few years. If you have a Durand edition of anything, you should never leave it out on a stand, particularly where it might be hit by sunlight.
Charles Neidich says that Debussy always intended the piece to be for clarinet and orchestra, and the edition with piano was prepared quickly for the Paris Conservatory competition. It's therefore full of small errors, particularly on the location of the beginnings and ends of crescendos and decrescendos. You should always compare a piano edition with the orchestral edition, which Debussy proofread scrupulously.
Neidich gave a wonderful master class on the PR. See
Ken Shaw
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