The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ClariBone
Date: 2006-01-06 00:19
Well, I was suckered into Jazz Band today. The director (in his infinite wisdom) placed me on Bass Trombone/Trombone 4 and after rehearsal, my ears hurt. I'm afraid of potential hearing loss. Does anyone know of a brand of ear plugs that wouldn't look too noticeable while still reducing the noise level and allowing me to clearly hear myself and be able to blend well with the other players and not stick out??
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2006-01-06 00:24
Search this board for "ear plugs" and you will find some suggestions.
Here are the first URL's that this search turned up for me:
My day job is in a factory, where we use "EAR" and Howard Leight, which are both mentioned in the above pages.
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Author: Jhall
Date: 2006-01-06 00:25
An audiologist can get you fitted for molded earplugs that can reduce the sound levels from 15 to 30 db. You may feel a bit detached from the music, but it beats hearing loss!
Good Luck!
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2006-01-06 01:00
I second the "EAR" recommendation. Used them in the army. Excellent product - noise is filtered, speech hardly so.
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2006-01-06 13:50
I had custom ear inserts made. They use small plastic tube, and then fill your ear canal with liquid foam, which then solidifies to fit exactly. Don't clench your jaw when this is done - it may give you a less-than-optimal fit. Lots of people swear by these, though.
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Author: Rick Williams
Date: 2006-01-06 17:14
I use custom fitted earplugs now but I used Etymotic over the counter plugs for a long time. They are cheap and do essentially the same thing as their more expensive custom models.
You can get them here for $14.00.
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Author: hans
Date: 2006-01-06 19:00
Custom fitted ear plugs didn't work well for me. The soft foam ones worked better. Your experience may differ.
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2006-01-06 21:39
If you get a well-made custom set, they will be very comfortable. But the off-the-shelf foam ones will give you a tighter fit. Can't comment on relative dB of attenuation. You can get an awful lot of disposable plugs for the $75 or more it will cost for a custom set, and you won't feel bad about throwing them away if they wear out or just get dirty.
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Author: 3dogmom
Date: 2006-01-08 03:37
I use the over-the-counter soft foam ones that are meant to be disposable. I don't insert them all the way as directed, however, but I place them into my outer ear in a manner which is sort of "horizontal", if you can picture that. A considerable amount of the volume is reduced, but I don't get that detatched feeling from the music. Good luck, and you are wise to recognize this as a problem.
Sue Tansey
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Author: Terry Stibal
Date: 2006-01-08 19:53
I use the EAR brand, as they are supplied to me free through work. The foam can bother some with sensitive ear canals, but I've never found them to be a bother. I've been fitted for the molded in place ones as well, but I prefer the foam.
Just make sure that you used the pull your ear with the opposite hand from behind your head technique when installing them. This has the effect of opening up the ear canal when putting the compressed down foam plug in place.
As far as their tendency to pick up ear wax, the quick and easy solution is to toss them in the clothes washer during a standard load of laundry. They float on top of the washing, and end up cleaned up to a like new state. Don't run them through the dryer, however.
leader of Houston's Sounds Of The South Dance Orchestra
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Author: terry
Date: 2006-01-08 20:17
Glad to see this thread!
I am now in Texas, but while in NJ, I tried to join 3 different community band/orchestras. In addition to the normal difficulty in finding time to practice, each time I was placed in front of the Trumpet section. They seemed to have only two settings: Louder and LOUDEST. Had spitting headaches after each session. A quiet discussion with the brass section got only smirks and louder blowing. A discussion with the conductor and organizers got a shrug.
I quit.
1929 matched A and Bb Herman Todt Clarinets, Chadash Mouthpiece, Fogietta reeds,
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