The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Katrina
Date: 2004-05-26 03:48
I have some questions arising from browsing the listings at
First, for the Italian orchestras, what does "della fila" or "di fila" mean? My meager Italian can take care of the rest, including most of the info at the orchestras' sites, but this has me stumped.
Second, for the German orchestras, I'm just curious about the "usual" positions. Is a "Solo-Klarinette" the same thing as a "Principal Clarinet" in the U.S.?? And what is the difference between said "Solo" and the 1. Klarinette listed? And "Praktikanten"??? Not to mention "Stellvertr."!
Very curiously yours,
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Author: GBK
Date: 2004-05-26 04:23
"Praktikanten" translates to "trainees" ...GBK
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Author: ron b
Date: 2004-05-26 05:34
Oxford German/English Dictionary (1997) defines Stellvertreter as “deputy” and “…stellvertretend fuer jdn[jeden]” as “on someone’s behalf”.
- ron b -
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Author: Clarinetist
Date: 2004-05-26 08:11
I think "Solo Klarinette" means the same as "Principal Clarinet". In Finland we use the same term as in Germany. I am not entirely sure why they are listing 1. Klarinette and "Solo Klarinette", but would think the 1.Klarinette is somekind of "assistant principal".
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Author: OpusII
Date: 2004-05-26 08:33
"Solo Klarinette" means the same as "Principal Clarinet", is correct
About the assistant principal I’m not sure, but I think that your right. In the past they did write pieces for solo-,first-,second- and third clarinet so it would be possible.
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Author: justwannaplay
Date: 2004-05-26 09:51
Hi Katrina,
I believe ' con obbligo della fila' means, being in charge of (responsible for) the 'row' (fila) of clarinettists, but this is an educated guess.
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Author: Alphie
Date: 2004-05-26 15:29
I would believe that 1. Klarinette is used in smaller orchestras where they only have two players employed.
Solo Klarinette is Principal and Stellvertr. is the same as Assistant Principal.
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Author: elmo lewis
Date: 2004-05-27 22:04
Filla refers to a section player. Normally, there are principals and assistants-everyone else is della filla.
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