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 Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: lyn 
Date:   2004-03-12 14:45

I am not going to say his name, just go look at the auctions.

My husband (who does not use eBay often) bought a recently sold Langenus mouthpiece using Buy It Now on My eBay name, lthomas1. The auction said it was "repaired" - well, of course, my husband being naive (he generally assumes the best of people until they burn him) figured it was something like a cork or something. The fact that the pictures were not clear never entered his mind. And of course, he did Not check the feedback.

When he received it, the mouthpiece was obviously unusable, it had been broken 1/2 inch down from the tip, and crazy glued back on, not "repaired" as was stated in the auction. I wrote to the seller, he will not refund our money, just tells us to resell it. Well, sorry, but as Nixon would say, "I am not a crook."

We believe the seller deliberately tried to hide the breakage and have complained to eBay about him. So when he blames his pictures on the camera, you can see by another of his auctions (the one that has a lot of mouthpieces) that his camera does take clear pictures.

Then please take a look at the photo on my web space of what we received at the picture of what we got. You can Clearly see the breakage and that would have been picked up by his camera if he were to have actually wanted people to know the truth about the mouthpiece.

Someone on the Klarinet list mentioned that the man is also possibly commiting an illegal act, which you can see at another of his auctions (the one that is selling a video). He is driving while playing an instrument, on top of possibly being a bit nuts (read the diatribe that follows). lol He emailed me saying that he "played" it lol. I am glad I was not in the room then. Music Pollution is rampant enough in this country....

No matter if retribution feedback is not allowed, it still exists, so I am hesitant to leave negative feedback. But I most certainly can warn you all about him. This is obvious fraud, it is obviously intentional. Please start by looking up Langenus on Completed Items, then click on the seller's name and my web page, so you can see his other auctions, and also the condition of the THING we received.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Matt Locker 
Date:   2004-03-12 15:23

Sorry to hear it but the reality is "Buyer Beware". The ad said "repaired" which should have made a light go on, and your husband purchased it without asking questions despite the "repaired" statement. I'd say the blame lies there for letting himself get taken.

I'd love to see the original ad, BTW. Can you send a pointer?

Lessons learned the hard way are the lessons that won't be forgotten.


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: hans 
Date:   2004-03-12 15:29

I looked up the original ad and IMO the picture hid the defect. There are many positive feedback comments about this seller, but enough negative ones to make me want to avoid him/her.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: sherrietanner 
Date:   2004-03-12 15:47

Hello, He goes under the name "taxijazz" and he's out of San Francisco Ca. in the states. Checkout ebay Item#3709108397 where you can see him in his taxi "playing" his horn! Read his reviews, this guy is a slob ebayer! Remember, always read what other people have to say and the replies! This guy is a jerk!


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: lyn 
Date:   2004-03-12 16:34

Hey, you don't have to tell Me to read feedback, LOL. Hubby Dearest has learned his lesson, and I'm changing my eBay password so he doesn't buy any more crap using my name!!!

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: jim S. 
Date:   2004-03-12 16:59

Thanks for the information. This ebayer is a very active and knowledgeable buyer and seller, so I think he has made a big mistake here. Perhaps you should communicate further with him. I have had success talking a situation over and mentioning that I might have to enter a very specific feedback regarding the transaction if it is not resolved.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: ron b 
Date:   2004-03-12 17:34

We've had comments on the BB before about this fella.

Like many folks here I scroll through the eBay ads every day or two. I've seen some of Taxijazz's ads and read his(?) ramblings, some pretty funny. He seems more than just a little knowledgeable, enough to be dangerous anyway, pompous and self centered. His items are often way overpriced and just on the edge of being misrepresented. The ads are themselves examples of "buyer beware". I haven't, until now, been aware of any outright fraudulent practices. If he lives in the delta area (Stockton/Lodi ?), as he claims, he probably drives his taxi around within an hour's drive from my residence in Sacramento... [frown]

- ron b -

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: sherrietanner 
Date:   2004-03-12 17:59

Hello Lyn, I didn't mean you! It was a general statement of fact, I notice that even when people get horrible feedback or reply with a foul comment, they still get people to bid on the goods. This is mind-boggling to me! Why would anyone in his/her right mind want to take a chance like that? I saw the post with the "repaired" Langenus mouthpiece and that deceptive photograph. The only reason that I didn't bid, was his feedback was bad!


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: growlingbunny910 
Date:   2004-03-13 00:06

that mouthpiece is not usable form the picture you have of it.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Bellflare 
Date:   2004-03-13 00:15

POINT #1 in ebay deals:
Read between the lines on feedback

Fer instance, consider these 3 "positive feedbacks" from the same buyer.

1. Received item in timely fashion.
2. Recived item quickly and item as advertised and good price.
3. Wow, this solid granite beautifully made ligature has improved my
tone immencely. Great communication and knowledgeable. +++++++

This means, to me at least that the REAL message was respectively:
1. Well, item came on time, but I was disappointed or paid too much
2. Reasonable deal. Probably less cost than retail. just an OK deal
3. Better than expected, The seller knew what they were talking about and returned informative email.

Ask the seller a question. See how helpful the seller is. Some of them want to please or even do the ebay auctions more to meet like-minded people than to make a lot of cash...and some might actually advise against you purchasing a given item (Does Macy sell Gimbels? grand-dad used to say)
One such seller responded to my asking about a mouthpiece by suggesting a different one than his auction piece and even got me a link to a retailer to get it.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2004-03-13 00:51

Whenever I buy anything of this nature off of ebay, I directly ask the seller if there is a return policy, and if so, what is it. If they answer no, I am MUCH more cautious and demand much more information from them before placing a bid. If they clearly state the return policy in the advertisement, I ask anyway (with a question such as, "Does this begin from date of purchase, or date I received it?") and I keep all emails I received/sent until I am sure that I either want to keep it or return it. Emails may not be a "great" source of proof for certain policies, but it's better than nothing.


US Army Japan Band

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: contragirl 
Date:   2004-03-13 03:20

You know, a couple of days ago I got an email from some weird address saying " so and so has changed their email from taxisex to taxijazz." I was like... who the heck is that person? But hey, now I know. I haven't gotten anything from him and he never bought anything from me. Why do I care? lol

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: ron b 
Date:   2004-03-13 05:16


You don't... just say N[whoa]!!!

- ron b -

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: JMcAulay 
Date:   2004-03-13 10:21

The eBay policy on feedback was (perhaps still is) that it cannot be left if more than 90 days have elapesed since the transaction.

I have a friend who deals very much stuff on eBay, and when someone shafts him, he used to put a Post-It note on his computer monitor case reminding him to leave a choice comment on the 90th day. I don't know if this still can be done, but wowzers, what a blow to get a scathing comment and find the feedback loop has been closed.


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2004-03-13 10:42

You can also now respond to feedback and post a message underneath the feedback. Sort of a last "rebuttle" in case of unnecessary or incorrect bad feedback.


US Army Japan Band

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Synonymous Botch 
Date:   2004-03-14 00:27

Sorry to hear about this, Lynn... Terry deserves better treatment.

As to Alaric... must be lead in his heavy metal clarinets.

I got an earful from him when I won an auction item he wanted.
"Vindictive bidding, it was called."

He also goes by Conn-o-sax and silverjazz.

It may come as a shock to our younger posters that clarinet collecting exists or has detrimental effects on mental health.
(Not that Jim Lande would agree...)

Good luck getting eBay fraud claims to cooperate.
It is VERY doubtful that local law enforcement will get involved.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Bob Schwab 
Date:   2004-03-14 01:59

Two comments

Regarding the point Bellflare made about reading between the lines in feedback; it's valid as long as you make the assumption that whoever is leaving feedback is skilled at writing. For some people, "received item in timely fashion" is about the limit of their writing skills. These same people honestly believe that if they leave such a feedback they are doing the seller a good turn. I would be making fallacious conclusions about the seller's character if I read into it as Bellflare suggested. I'm not trying to be mean or hypercritical. I just come across a lot of people whose writing skills leave much to be desired. And truth be told, I don't put all that much thought into the feedbacks that I leave. If I'm happy I say so and leave it at that. It's not worth the effort for me to second-guess how someone may possibly read into what I'm saying and/or not saying.

JMcAulay, very good idea about that 90 day window thingie.

Bob Schwab

"The judgment of God has always come upon a nation when it is no longer acceptable to be a righteous man in that society." Ray Hughes

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: atl4413 
Date:   2004-03-14 02:05

Lyn, I am so sorry that this happened to you.

Something similar happened to me on Ebay and I followed their instructions on how to handle it. I completed all of the reports with Paypal & Ebay and the seller did end up refunding my money after I sent the item back via Fed Ex.

Just know that if "retaliation feedback" is left by this loser of a seller, you do have the opportunity to "reply" and the reply is shown on your feedback. I think that it would be obvious to people, that read it and clicked on the link to the item sold, that you got a raw deal.

I hope it works out for the best for you...

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Synonymous Botch 
Date:   2004-03-14 12:27


EBay capitates their insurance payout (on proven cases) to $175.
For some arcane reason, they list a $200 maximum settlement, LESS a $25 'filing' fee.

Therefore, if the item was $56 and you won the lengthy arguement, you would net $31 from insurance.

I purchased a "Selmer" clarinet from a seller for $150 some months back, and the only thing marked Selmer was the broken mouthpiece... which was of course hidden from view.

The long and the short of it is get lots of pictures.

It could be MUCH worse... there are some fraud circles that lift pictures from websites, and offer vintage saxophones at tempting prices... an entirely different order of fraud.

taxijazz and ytracproductions are two sellers I avoid...

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: BobD 
Date:   2004-03-14 14:16

People have been cheated on deals since the beginning of time. Look what happened to Adam and Eve.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: lyn 
Date:   2004-03-14 15:49

I've put in with PayPal to get the $ back, so hopefully something will come from that.

I don't care how long people have been cheated - it's still unprofessional, it's very low class, and the only publicity it gets you is negative. If that's what you aspire to in life, well, that's pitiful.

LOL Conn-o-sax (or as I call him, CON-o-sax) emailed me yesterday wanting to buy two clarinet mouthpieces I have up. See, this is just it. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. After he scammed us, he won't have the opportunity to buy the many desirable vintage sax mouthpieces I list, because his butt is Blocked. What a pathetic individual.

And I just sold a doozy of a vintage NY Meyer alto mpc for $$$$. Oh WELL.... ;)


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Vytas 
Date:   2004-03-14 17:24

1. "90 day window thingie" is and old trick that doesn't work anymore.

2. 'Conn-o-sax' and 'Taxijazz' = the same person.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Brenda 
Date:   2004-03-14 19:03

Well listen to this complaint - so far I haven't been able to pay! I received a beautiful mouthpiece in perfect condition, and we agreed on the method of payment, but it the terms haven't happened yet. I'll have to complain to him (LOL)!! Meanwhile we've had great on-line chats about clarinet choirs, music libraries, and mouthpieces.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: davor 
Date:   2004-03-14 23:18

1. You should leave a negative feedback, the last day you are able to do
it (90 days or 60? not sure)
2. You should file a complaint to e-bay after you have done 1.
3. In the future do not trade with people who have questionable feedback.
You decide what is questionable. 90, 95 or 95+% positive.
4. I got my compensation after 1 year of negotiating, presenting the evidence etc., but it worked out! You do not have to be warried. It happens to everybody, it is the real world.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Wayne Thompson 
Date:   2004-03-14 23:33

I was surprised that Bellflare suggested reading between the lines for lack of superlatives. I don't think there is any value to that. I consider a positive to be a positive, a neutral a neutral, etc. I've always thought the "Great Ebayer, A++++++++++++++" sort of comments as stupid. If I'm the only one who feels this way, I'm apologize to the people I've left feedback to. Because I just say things like, "Thanks, good service." And I mean it! lol

Wayne T

PS No burns for me, though maybe I've paid more than I should have for some impulse buy-it-nows.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Bellflare 
Date:   2004-03-15 00:46

Wayne T:
No problem with the ubiquitous "good ebayer" feedback esp. when dealing with new stuff like a "Gem swab, new in box."

BUT....if a person is selling a "Vintage Kasparville used only by a symphony player in church on Sundays " and the seller has NO glowing feedbacks at all or just ho-hum ones, then I put on my ++caveat emptor cap++ and think: "Is this a person who just sells stuff, or is he/she really truly knowledgeable"....then I will ask specific questions like "What are the Brand measurements, and what sort of reed goes best"

If the answer is "It has written on it 'Chedepar, Des Plaines, Ill'. ...so that is the Brand (sic). And it uses a 'cane' reed"
then I realize that this person has no concept of what I am looking for and would think long and hard before buying.
If the person says "It is closed tipped and has a med-long facing and I like it with a Mozart or Zonda 4.5" at least I know that this dude has some concept of what is being auctioned.

Long post.....BUT....just consider the preponderance of the evidence as the judges say. And. oh yes, Please understand that my original posting was written with at least a scoopula of hyperbole for the purpose of injecting some humor. Guess I failed.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Wayne Thompson 
Date:   2004-03-15 04:00

I'm smiling. Your humor is ok. And I agree totally that one should consider the whole package. The A++++++++++ feedback is silly, and so is the seller than says, 'I know nothing about clarinets; this would make a great gift.' and includes fuzzy pictures, and it is clear that it is a junker. I consider the former to be simply positive feedback, and the latter to be quite suspicious. I don't want his fuzzy clarinet.


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Taxijazz 
Date:   2004-03-15 09:15

"...don't want to mention his name" But you clearly identified me so that several of my friends emailed me. I've got nothing to hide--even the fact that I don't know everything. I put a lot of personal information on numerous websites, and you can even see my dog drive a car (illegally of course). You can find out all about me easily enough that you don't need to imply things that you imagine in order to invite negative comments about me. Anyone can email me and ask me anything, but if they don't try to communicate with me they shouldn't be critisizing me. Look at my video--Then you can critisize my playing.

Maybe I can play some things that I'm not supposed to, but I can't tell if other people will have a problem, and what I assumed... I had a Kaspar that had 3/4 in. broken off and gone from the tip, but someone bought it from me saying that they could repair it. I don't work on mouthpieces so I don't know, and I imagined that this Langenus was repaired in the same way. I also have a Gregory mouthpiece that was repaired just like the Langenus you got and it's one of my favorite mouthpieces--I would have never guessed that it wasn't supposed to be playable; or that anyone would think that a 'repair' meant new cork. I told you this already.

You would accuse me of obfuscation, yet you mention my ebay listing for the Taxijazz video but neglect to mention my ebay listing entitled 'Bunch of Liars', or that my negative feedback comes primarily from errant sellers that I campaigned against, and that I have a vicious attitude about fraud. And you accuse me of fraud because I have a different opinion as a player--maybe I'm a wrong player, but I don't have a bent for cheating people. And you went out of your way to produce a picture that looked bad--Didn't you?

Most of the instruments I bought off of ebay didn't work; Most of the things I sell on ebay are things that I play, so they work, but I can't guarantee that everyone will be happy, and I can't scrutinize their experience through the shroud of cyberspace (and some people just don't want to be happy it seems). A person has to try to communicate with me in a reasonable manner. And I might have told you that if I don't like something I got off of ebay I just put it back on ebay and describe it properly for someone else to buy--because of the nature of ebay, returning things to the seller (especially when they say 'no returns') ends up being a big fuss, and I could be wrong or the other party could be wrong--We're both wrong if we engage in a fight over the internet.

I figured something else was going on from the nature of your lone email, and I don't appreciate you using me as a scapegoat for your domestic disputes. I don't give refunds because I don't have any money, but I do make exchanges sometimes--You didn't ask, you just made accusations and demands. I could tell there was some other issue other than the mouthpiece I sold.

It's OK, I'm not so horrible. I'm always willing to help people with their personal problems, and often I can, but not if they approach me in a hostile manner. I'm convinced that clarinet playing can make a person crazy--Just be glad you don't play an oboe. Or the world should be glad that I don't--a metal oboe in my hands might be re-clasified as W.O.M.D. and I'd be arrested as a terrorist.

And for the rest of you--Gossip is evil.

Post Edited (2004-03-15 09:17)

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: jbutler 2017
Date:   2004-03-15 11:05

Taxi---come on now. An honest and virtuous person would not sell a mouthpiece (or anything) without accurate disclosure of condition or extent of damage.


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Synonymous Botch 
Date:   2004-03-15 13:13

Facts is facts.
Selling a broken piece of gear under the excuse "I don't know everything" and then claiming expertise is at least disingenuous.

Having dealt with taxijazz under one of his other eBay monikers I can speak from experience - this sort of screed is just the beginning.

The fact is that eBay doesn't police it's members well, it's only active in cases that could render them criminally culpable or cost them fees.

It is absolutely appropriate that we consumers examine this sort of miscreant behaviour in the light of day to avoid exactly this kind of fraud.

For one, I would have blocked this guy from my auctions years ago if I knew then what I know now!

 No Subject
Author: Synonymous Botch 
Date:   2004-03-15 13:16

Post Edited (2004-03-15 14:05)

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: JessKateDD 
Date:   2004-03-15 13:29


I do not agree with your assertion that you have no money. You are receiving money from buyers on ebay, and you are also managing to buy items off of Ebay. In fact, you just bid $300 on a Selmer Eb clarinet yesterday!

I have seen the ad in question, and you took photos which did not reveal the fact that the tip of the mouthpiece had been broken off and glued back on. Reputable dealers on ebay take great pains to take closeup photos of any flaw in the product so that the buyer can make an informed decision.

An honest person would refund the money and accept the return of the item, then relist the item with the flaws shown.

I most certainly am disinclined to do business with you from what I know about you. I am not relying on gossip - your own words and actions show your true colors.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Ed 
Date:   2004-03-15 14:45

Post Edited (2004-03-15 18:08)

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Bob A 
Date:   2004-03-15 15:11

Boy, what a lot of acid poured over this guys head. So he's everthing y'all say, just remember:
1. You don't have to use e-Bay
3. If you don't know what that means please mail me your credit cards to speed the process.
Bob A

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Taxijazz 
Date:   2004-03-15 15:14

Now I've got people telling me how much money I've got. And people know all about me--You must have proof if you want to make public claims about my character. You can go to www.angelfire.com/in2/easyliving and find out all you want about me from the links there, but I won't tolerate much more of this. I have a different opinion than some players, but that isn't really strange--Or is this an exact science?

This person who bought the mouthpiece has lots of experience repairing mouthpieces and says the repair is no good--and he thought repair meant a cork replaced? It worked for me, and I know of other mouthpieces that have been repaired this way. I don't repair mouthpieces and I thought if it worked it's OK. I said it was repaired. They didn't ask any questions. If he's a mouthpiece expert he would have known what questions to ask, because I don't fix mouthpieces, and other people seem to think repairing them this way is OK. If it's not OK then why did anyone else do it? I played with the mouthpiece and they even suggest I couldn't do that! I got one hostile and confusing email from them and then they want to subject me to public humiliation instead of trying to resolve the issue with me in a manner that is agreeable to both of us. I know a lot of things, but I don't know everything. One thing that is certain is that there is something wrong with this picture and it's not all on my end.

Anyone who has made any derogotory comments about me publically on this site, and they live in the United States, may end up being more involved in this issue than they want to be. It has to stop now.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: hans 
Date:   2004-03-15 15:27

You made a mistake and you should make it right with an apology and a refund. Is your reputation worth so little?

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: lyn 
Date:   2004-03-15 15:49

Ya know, I wrote this person One email, because when you refuse in the manner in which he did, you figure he's not going to budge. Outside of the fact that *I* did not buy this mouthpiece, my husband did.

My husband, a professional clarinetist who was Principal of the Delaware Symphony for many years, in addition to being a college professor for 40 years and various other sundry, is even MORE FURIOUS now because the above mentioned seller sent me a horrible email to my business email address. Whatever next step he takes is up to him, but I have forwarded him the email I received from this seller.

The seller is not blocked from using our home address. On top of that, in this email he starting hurling personal insults to me and to the children in my clarinet choir. He has also started writing emails to people on this BB and they have forwarded them to me. He also accused ME of breaking the mouthpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buyer, Beware is right.


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: contragirl 
Date:   2004-03-15 16:02

When I wanted to learn more about mpc facing and refacing, I came across the mpc community on Yahoo, which was very interesting. It seems you CAN fix a broken mpc, but it depends on the damage.

The damage inflicted on the mpc in question is very much a tough job to fix, and I think most people would gather that from looking at it. Just a little bit of epoxy won't fix it. A chip taken out of a mpc can be fixed, but it looks like the whole beak was broken off! I don't even know if a professional could fix it, let alone an ametuer.

Yeah, I think that's ridiculous. Give the people a refund, and we'll stop harping on you (music pun intended). It seems more than one person has had a problem with this seller, so it's time to make right, or they won't "stop now."

Clarinet players can very difficult to deal with when they aren't happy. :) There's a saying in the retail business "the customer is always right."


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Vytas 
Date:   2004-03-15 16:03

All crooks on eBay act the same:

1. Never admit wrongdoing.
2. Turn tables around and act like a victim.
3. Demand to stop derogatory comments.
4. Threaten to sue.

Every time I got burned on eBay a dishonest seller would act like this.

I never had any transaction with taxijazz and this comment is not directed at him.

Vytas Krass
Pro clarinet technician.
Custom clarinet mouthpiece maker.
Former pro clarinet player.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: ginny 
Date:   2004-03-15 16:24

" Anyone who has made any derogotory comments about me publically on this site, and they live in the United States, may end up being more involved in this issue than they want to be. It has to stop now."

I consider myself warned off all dealings with this seller from the above statement alone.

Thanks to all who have brought this to the clarinet community's attention.

Post Edited (2004-03-15 16:45)

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Clarence 
Date:   2004-03-15 17:06

This mouthpiece looks like something that would be found in a music store dumpster.

Shame on you TaxiJazz !

Give the man his money back and relist it (That would be a crooked thing to do).

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: lyn 
Date:   2004-03-15 17:13

>>relist it (That would be a crooked thing to do).<<

Not for us, apparently, because that's what he told Us to do with it!


 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: JessKateDD 
Date:   2004-03-15 17:28

Eek! Taxijazz is going to sue me! Just because I disagreed with his assertion that he has "no money" and gave examples countering his statement (for example, Lynn's $52, which he received, seems to qualify as money to me).

I know his threats to sue are real - it seems to be his favorite response to negative feedback on Ebay. Not to mention calling people on Ebay who disagree with him crooks and thieves.

As for slander, posting untrue things about him on this BBoard that hurts his business would certainly qualify. Also qualifying could be, for example, if Taxijazz sent me an email claiming falsely that Lynn and her husband broke the mouthpiece and that the photo posted by them was not what he sent them. Just a thought.

As for the ad hominum attacks on Lynn and her students - class act, Taxijazz. I'm really impressed.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: atl4413 
Date:   2004-03-15 17:38

-------"Anyone who has made any derogotory comments about me publically on this site, and they live in the United States, may end up being more involved in this issue than they want to be. It has to stop now."-------

I must say, I'm quite scared now.

I just got finished looking at this seller's garbage on ebay and I must say, he/she sounds like a moron....a dishonest one....

And, I'm normally a very nice person with nothing negative to say about anyone, but in this case I am making an exception.

Lyn, I liked the Cambiare website, enjoyed the music and wish you the best.

 Re: Beware of Disreputable Ebay Seller
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2004-03-15 17:51

Well, now everyone has had their say, including the seller, and we can all decide which side of the fence we're sitting on. The thread has gone on long enough now.

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