The Clarinet BBoard
Author: sdr
Date: 2004-01-30 14:53
When I play my Greenline R-13 the moisture that accumulates in the horn quickly starts to puddle in the hole of the left pinky C#/G# key. Frequent swabbing clears or prevents it. I understand that in wooden clarinets holes can be silicon-treated to alter surface tension characteristics and limit the problem of wet bubbling notes. Anyone try this in a Greenline? Any reason why I shouldn't? What product might I try?
-steve rauch
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Author: Mark Pinner
Date: 2004-01-30 22:39
It may be also a question of the shape of pad itself, its seat and the tone hole. There is some sort of space that shouldn't be there in which the moisture is able to build up. A change to a pointier pad usually helps this problem and is not a major drama or shouldn't be. The udercutting and bore also needs checking to make sure there is nothing contributing to water being held there.
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Author: LeOpus1190s
Date: 2004-01-31 07:42
heh i have been told when that happens to bore oil. Now i know that greenline clarinets aren't wood but try it anyhow. After all it can't hurt right?
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2004-01-31 10:31
Oils may indeed hurt!
Many petroleum products damage many polymers, often destroying the molecular structure, making them brittle.
Greenline is effectively sawdust held together with a very small quantity of polymer. Some petroleum products could turn the composite largely back to sawdust.
Experiment - you may be lucky.
Otherwise, tread carefully!
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Author: BobD
Date: 2004-01-31 13:25
Gordon't caution is appropriate plus bore oil might cause a warranty problem. Maybe you are leaning in that direction i.e. holding the horn at an angle. Normally, in my experience, the condensation should exit the bell at the 6 o'clock positon.
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Author: LeOpus1190s
Date: 2004-01-31 19:53
Thanks gordon for the info! It's nice to know i can actually take some good information from this site everyonce in a while.
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