The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Luis Felipe
Date: 1999-11-13 13:07
Hi everyone,
I have been last July in Belgium at the clarinet fest. I saw some players using crystal mouthpieces, and I saw Ricardo Morales playing it at the "Pomarico" booth.
After Belgium, I continued my trip to Italy and visited Pomarico factory: it was a marvellous experience! I saw how they make them: each mouthpiece is hand made and fit for every taste, I bought one and am very happy of my choice. I would like to know if anyone here in the bulletin have ever tried one of those mouthpieces and his/her opinions about it.
Thank you and good luck!
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-11-13 13:25
I've tried the Pomaricos and had fun with them; the Pomarico family are so nice! I wasn't in the market for a new mouthpiece when I tried them, though.
Pomarico is a sponsor of Sneezy.Org, too - they were one of the original sponsors of the site.
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Author: Cathy
Date: 1999-11-15 02:34
I play on a Pomarico sappphire bright mouthpiece and I love it! It has such a wonderful tone that I have gotten many compliments on.
P.S.--Mark you'll be happy to know that I initially heard about Pomaricos from this site :-)
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Author: STuart
Date: 1999-11-15 18:39
I tried and loved the mouthpieces as well. So clear and liquid!
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 1999-11-18 19:57
On back, I played several O"Brien mps,#2's I believe, which were too close as I remember. I have a Selmer Clarion which is as good as my Wells and BG [Benny Goodman -scripted] which are my current favorites! Don
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Author: Rex Tomkinson
Date: 1999-11-20 12:16
I love the Pomarico's and have played on an 'Emerald' for some time. I have recently discovered the superb combination of this mouthpiece with Vintage (Australian) reeds. I know that we are all different and this comment is redundant as soon as it is made-but this combination (for me) gives such a great result that I would urge anyone who may be experimenting with reeds for a Pomarico, to try Vintage. Superb. Trust me. Do it.
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