The Clarinet BBoard
Author: SVSorna05
Date: 2003-07-17 03:45
GBK i saw a couple of posts back that you have several R13s but i was wondering if you have ever played/owned a E&S K series n if so what do u think?
I do understand some are apparently better than others
thanx -Dain-
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Author: GBK
Date: 2003-07-17 04:41
In my clarinet collection, I have a restored E&S clarinet, but it is the older B series. From what I've read (and the dating of older E&S clarinets is difficult) I think the B series is from the 1940's or early 1950's (?). It is very free blowing, plays extremely well in tune in all registers and has a surprisingly warm sound, but projects well. I often use it professionally on outdoor performances when the weather is threatening. The wood is dense, and even though I have used it in many "bad weather" situations - not a crack.
I have tried (but do not own) a few K series E&S clarinets. The ones I have tried in the lower K4000 range have been quite nice ...GBK
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Author: R13A
Date: 2003-07-17 15:12
If you do a search on the BB, you'll find numerous informative postings regarding the Evette, E&S, E&S Master Model.......including the s/n prefixs.....B, D, K also C and H.
Over the yrs when manufactured, there were several 'subtle' changes. Most noteably and impacting tonal quality, was the undercutting of tone holes.......UJ and LJ separately and then both joints and, the use of polycylindrical bores......again UJ, LJ and both joints. Also, keywork changes.
Bear in mind that for the most part, the quality of the wood used in 'those' days was better than the quality used in recent yrs for 'equivilant' models.
I've tried several of the E&S . I've owned two and still (and won't part with) an E&SMM , a s/n 18xxx K series (1968) that John Butler replated/overhauled for me. This particular one was played by Francois Klock at last year's OK Symposium . He was amazed with it's tonal quality/intonation/free blowing. So much so that he kept it for a day and noodled around with it behind Buffet's counter .
I've tried 2 other K series MM. One was close in s/n, the other was higher s/n'd. Both didn't approach the one I have. Also, in speaking with Linda Brannen, she once mentioned that her company services an E&S used by a member of the Dallas SO
Like all clarinets, each one is unique to itself.
Unfortunately, the above referenced BB postings are in a 'file' in my other computer thus, I'm unable to access them via web page for inclusion herein.
If you'd care to read through these postings, plz contact me direct and I'll copy/paste them and email them.
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Author: SVSorna05
Date: 2003-07-17 21:26
just a quicky to J. butler or R13A how much does Butler charge for his overhaul and Nickel Replate because ive been comparing the replating prices on the net. thanx
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Author: R13A
Date: 2003-07-17 22:07
John is a BB sponsor. His prices are indicated on his web page:
His web page indicates pricing of : A complete o/h with cork pads on the UJ runs $261 and includes polishing of keys. all new tenon corks, key corks, resurfacing of tone holes if needed, bore oiling with the DR's products. XX bladder pads are used, gortex is additional, as is replacement of springs (blue steel).
When corks are used on the UJ, he does tonal voicing by using different thickness corks.
If UJ cork pads are not used, the o/h price drops down to $200 including the same above mentioned services.
Feel free to contact John directly at or
713 907 2659
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