The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ralph G
Date: 2003-07-02 15:46
Awfully quiet in here now that GBK's the new deputy in town. Being a PR professional that I am, let me give him his first drill in crisis management:
(This is only a test. Don't try this at home.)
What's the best clarinet to buy? How do you play the solo in Rhapsody in Blue? Do I swab barrel to bell or vice versa? Email me for info on an exciting new product that turns ordinary reeds into terrible reeds. That darn Stoltzman... Anybody have info on the Mozart concerto for my school project, preferably 8 to 10 pages long with footnotes? Hey, do a search before bugging us -- this has already been discussed at
Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.
- Pope John Paul II
Post Edited (2003-07-02 15:53)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2003-07-02 16:44
Actually, I was more than happy to lend a hand in helping Mark (he must really be desperate if he needs my help).
As Mark mentioned, I am slowly going through all the archived postings starting from 1999 and sorting out the worthwhile from the worthless. It is actually very interesting reading about the same topics from 4 years ago that are still being discussed every day on the bulletin board. I guess the more things change... well, you know the rest. When all is completed, searching for past information should be much more efficient.
Mark has also asked me to keep an eye on things when he gets too busy - Again, I was happy to help.
For the most part, the bulletin board runs very smoothly and is a wonderful place to share and debate topics, but as we all know it is a huge investment of time and energy, thus my willingness to pitch in.
Oh, I almost forgot - if Ralph's posting ever makes it to the archives, I'll probably snip it .... (just kidding - I love his sense of humor) ...GBK (coming up for air from the archives)
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2003-07-02 16:56
I have a contest idea for you --- whoever has the highest number (or alternatively, highest percentage) of old posts deemed "worthless" wins a prize.....something nice, like a crusty old rusty marching lyre, something like that.....(I could really go for one of those).
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Author: Vic
Date: 2003-07-02 17:07
And by the way - I was thinking of piercing my tongue. Any thoughts on that?
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Author: clarinetwife
Date: 2003-07-02 18:11
Ooh-- that might make a very interesting clicky sound against the reed when you play clarinet.
By the way, y'all, what reeds are best?
Hmm, maybe Mark needs more help than even he realizes.
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-07-02 20:18
Hey GBK, congrats--How many times do I get to insult you before it becomes "on a regular basis"? Guess I can still be a pain in the a--- irregularly, huh. To which Dave replys, "Do you know any other way"? ![[grin]](
Bob A
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Author: msloss
Date: 2003-07-02 20:26
Hey GBK, who is better -- Richard Stoltzman or Acker Bilk? If Daniel Bonade and Rudolf Jettel were still alive, which one could beat up Charlie Neidich? Did Bob Marcellus really ever exist or did all us Northwestern students just make him up?
Good luck and take frequent naps! It is a wonder Mark C. hasn't suffered permanent brain damage reading all the posts.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-07-02 20:30
msloss wrote:
> It is a wonder Mark C. hasn't
> suffered permanent brain damage reading all the posts.
He hasn't? ![[rotate]](
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Author: Mark P. Jasuta
Date: 2003-07-02 21:52
Lets hope not. This board has been invaluable to me. Thanks to this board I am able to:
Teach Clarinet to my daughter. (I play sax.)
Select a clarinet, mouthpiece, reed, and ligature.
Create a course of instruction.
Rebuild, repair, troubleshoot, adjust, and maintain a clarinet.
Find out which products are good and which are hype /crap.
Learned about reed adjustment and performance /audition tips.
Met a bunch of great people.
Able to share what I know to help others.
Thank you Mark C.!!
Mark J.
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Author: Mark Pinner
Date: 2003-07-03 01:57
Maybe everybody has found a) the perfect mouthpiece accompanied by b) the perfect reed that lasts forever all attached to c) the worlds best clarinet and of course being taught by d) the most perfect teacher and don't need to clutter up this bulletin board in their endless quest for the above any more.
It is Ok to have some subjective opinion as Mark J says it can be of some help.
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-07-03 03:02
Ah yes, Mark--but with what ligature? Note the thirty item thread on this subject on the BB. Yorks, to horse, the quest continues!.
Make that 31 items.
Bob A
Post Edited (2003-07-03 03:04)
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Author: katchow
Date: 2003-07-03 15:19
acker bilk? that's too funny
by the way, is it ok to play classical with say, an Acker Bilk type vibrato?
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2003-07-03 17:36
No matter what ligature or cork grease you use, it is EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED by Clarinet Taste Police regulations to utilize Acker Bilk-style vibrato while performing ANY form of music. Should you violate this law, the Buffet Mafia will break your tenon sockets. You have been warned!
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Author: Jerry
Date: 2003-07-03 17:50
It would really be fun if Aker read this board...and actually responded to something!
The Villages, FL
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2003-07-03 19:09
Its IMPOSSIBLE to add to the above, welcome GBK, for us regulars , little change!! What's with the "spare time", Mark?? Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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