The Fingering Forum
Author: Ashley Painter
Date: 2004-10-18 00:27
I'm a senior in high school and I've just recently switched from clarinet to bass clarinet, but I'm in a pickle. I auditioned into the local youth symphony, and I was approached by the manager of the City Civic Symphony. She wants me to join, no audition necessary. She likes my tone and technique abilities. Her husband is THE clarinet instructor, I may get possible lessons out of the deal (YES!!!)
One prob....After high school, I have no instrument. I'm playing on a crappy bundy, I mean, CRAPPY. But I make it sound good. I'm looking for a pro, if not imtermediate model, but I don't know what to look for and which brands are good. I'm looking for something decently inexpensive. Help anyone? M<y teacher's a trombone, he doens't know what to recommend. I'm looking for help.
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Author: Flute 1
Date: 2004-10-18 06:29
IF you are looking into getting a Bass Clarinet.. you may want to try they have great Clarinets.. and you may want to go with the Buffet brand.. they make awesome Clarinets in my opinion.. I hope this helps.
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Author: MikeyBoy
Date: 2004-10-18 21:29
If u can call them, DO IT! they're very friendly and nice. tell them what u're playing for, like what reed u use, and what you're lookin for.
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