The Doublers BBoard
Author: Alex K.
Date: 2015-01-03 19:56
Hey guys, how long did it take you to learn bassoon? I started playing it about 2-3 months ago.
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Author: Jaysne
Date: 2015-01-09 08:42
I began playing bassoon many years ago and still haven't learned it.
Seriously, though, I took about 4 months of lessons as a beginner, took off for a few years, then took another 8 months of lessons. At that point I was offered a gig by a bassoon player who played in the same orchestra I played clarinet in, even though he had never heard me play--I had just off-handedly mentioned I was learning it. It was an easy gig, and soon after he got me another gig, which was harder.
After that, I asked my teacher at what point I could start marketing myself as a bassoon player without making a fool of myself. She said I should start now and see what happens. Since then, I've played bassoon several times in orchestras and musical pits and things have gone well. I felt confident about the gigs and they weren't over my head.
So to answer your question, I'd say about a year. But this means practicing every day and taking weekly lessons with a professional bassoon player.
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Author: Bron357
Date: 2015-07-11 05:21
My daughter plays Bass Clarinet (4 years) and Bassoon less than a year. We put in an application for State Music camp and they took her on Bassoon. I rang them up " she's only just started Bassoon" I explained. "If she can play 2 octaves of any scale we want her on Bassoon". Bassoons seem to be "thin on the ground" and it's almost just by having one you get your foot in the door. If anyone questions your ability to even make a sound just show them the 9 thumb keys for the left and 4 thumb keys for the right and they'll run away in terror! Bassoon is a beautiful and challenging instrument - enjoy and feel proud!
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