The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Elifix
Date: 2011-07-09 23:31
Hi everyone,
I am intending of applying to schools in Germany, Austria, Netherlands etc (basically, the more Germanic speaking countries) for clarinet studies.
I know of some famous clarinet players and they are mostly those found on the recording labels and by researching further, certain schools with prestigious faculties. I do admit that my knowledge in this field is pretty limited and shallow.
Is there any other recommendations for Clarinetists / Teachers / Universities?
Any advice, opinions, experiences or encounters with the players and education there would be greatly appreciated!!
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Author: fernie51296
Date: 2011-07-10 01:46
if you could get lessons from someone like karl leister then get lessons from him! great sound. great clarinetist. And if you can, ask him to come over to california to give me a few lessons(;
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2011-07-10 02:52
A great teacher/player in Germany is Chen Halevi. But he doesn't play the German system. And man oh man did the Berliners have something to say about that!! (it's in the archives)
Of course Sabine is also wonderful. Sabine is probably harder to get, but Chen's playing is not far behind.
Abe Galper loved his playing, and hipped me to him. Chen recently (October) did a modern concerto with the New York Philharmonic.
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Author: srattle
Date: 2011-07-10 15:01
Ralf Forster is a wonderful teacher (I studied with him for 3 years)
I've heard wonderful things about Ralph Manno as a teacher.
I would also think about Jörg Widmann would be very interesting to study with, although he's not exactly 'german school' of playing.
I would suggest Karl Leister, he only does masterclass work as far as I know
Remember, great players don't necessarily make the best teachers, and visa versa
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Author: Elifix
Date: 2011-07-10 18:19
Thanks for all the suggestions. I am looking up the schools and teachers currently.
I dont quite believe that only those 'household brands' schools are the only schools that are good for clarinet learning. Obviously they are surely good but there are bound to be a lot of other teachers and schools that are of equal standing too. Thats why i started this thread in order to find out more about things out there.
And also, I dont believe i will ever audition sucessfully into schools like Wien Uni or LuBeck to study under Sabine or Ernst... :X
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Author: Liquorice
Date: 2011-07-10 18:28
I just listened to an audition with over 40 young clarinetists from around Europe. The 2 best students from Germany at this audition were both students of Stefan Schilling. I don't know his playing, but he is principal clarinetist of the Bavarian Radio Orchestra, one of the best orchestras in Germany. Judging by his students, he must be a very good teacher. Maybe he's also someone to look into. I've also heard good things about Ralph Manno.
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Author: Elifix
Date: 2011-07-10 22:06
The Stefan Schilling you are talking about teaches at Kunst Uni Graz i suppose?
Does anyone has any feedback or experience with / on
-Matthias Schorn
-Reinhard Wiser?
They are on the faculty of the Wien Konservatorium Priv.Uni
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Author: leporellina
Date: 2011-07-14 21:30
I may not be the right person to talk about the teaching qualities of Reinhard Wieser and Matthias Schorn, as I've never attended a teaching unit of one of them. But I heard both of them perform many times.
Mr. Schorn, one of the young principal clarinetists of the Vienna Philharmonic, is a wonderful performer himself. It's always a pleasure to hear him playing in the orchestra - I remember for example a breathtaking "Miraculous Mandarin" last season, and an extremely sensitively interpreted "Rosenkavalier"; and I think it is even more thrilling to listen to his chamber music appearances. I had the chance to talk to him for some moments last winter - he is a very kind person, so I think it is a good idea to contact him, there is an email-address on his website
Mr. Wieser is one of the principals of the Vienna Symphonic and an experienced player. I heard him perform the Mozart concerto with his orchestra on a basset clarinet some years ago and he certainly is an authority for Viennese sound tradition.
I hope that gives you some information for your decision.
Good luck,
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Author: Elifix
Date: 2011-07-16 23:37
Thank you all so much for the help!! Really appreciate it!!
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Author: Lam
Date: 2011-07-18 13:46
I saw from the digital concert hall of last season, a guy looked very much alike Chen Halevi played guest principal for the Berlin Philharmonic with Andreas Ottensamer playing second. This guy played a German system Schwenk Seggelke, and the programme is Bartok's wooden prince ballet music. I am not 100% sure if he is Chen Halevi, but looked very much alike. Great playing, and very fluent in playing with the german fingering.
Post Edited (2011-07-19 02:44)
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Author: Liquorice
Date: 2011-07-18 14:58
The Stefan Schilling you are talking about teaches at Kunst Uni Graz i suppose?
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Author: srattle
Date: 2011-07-18 16:22
Chen Halevi did play principal with the phil for one concert last season. I believe he was playing a german system for that concert, but I'm not sure
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