The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Tony F
Date: 2009-12-19 01:53
Can anyone suggest a source of swedging pliers suitable for clarinet work?
I've contacted several suppliers of musical tools, but they all seem to be temporarily out of stock with no ideas as to when new ones will be available. It needs to be a source that I can access from Australia, as not all tool suppliers will ship to Australia.
Thanks in advance.
Tony F.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2009-12-19 05:32
Thanks, Paul. I actually tried them first, and they're one of the suppliers who are out of stock. I'll keep trying, anyway. I've been looking at making up my own from a pair of bull-nose pliers.
Tony F.
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Author: Caroline Smale
Date: 2009-12-19 18:39
I made my own and find they work better than a commercially made (Swedish) pair I also have.
One benefit is that you can choose the exact size and position of the swageing holes to suit your own preferences.
Just remember that after annealing the pliers you should clamp some brass shim stock between the jaws so that when you drill the required holes you end up with a slightly oval hole in the actual pliers. This works much better on the key sleeves and also helps to reduce risk of damage to the key plating.
Make sure to smooth and polish the drilled holes well to remove any marks.
Also be sure you start with really sturdy pliers so that you can transfer maximum pressure to the jaws.
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