The Clarinet BBoard
Author: kchan ★2017
Date: 2019-07-08 22:39
I picked up an old vintage Woodwind mouthpiece with a K8 facing. The seller mentioned that the tip is 1.05. Based on what I've read the 8 part of K8 is supposed to be the opening e.g. 1.08? I've heard but never played on a G8. Does anyone know a bit about the length of the facing between the two?
I've read:
K: Used mostly by symphony men
G: Most flexible all-around facing for dance and symphony players
I'm not a symphony man so I'm curious about trying a G(8) ... just kidding.
Perhaps the G has a shorter facing (and/or more angled sidewalls) than a K?
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2019-07-09 00:29
Here are the specifications that I have on the Steel Ebonite Woodwind Co. mouthpieces:
B7: 1.18 tip opening; short facing length
B8: 1.19 tip opening; medium facing length
C6: 1.18 tip opening; short facing length
C7: 1.20 tip opening; short facing length
G7: 1.08 tip opening; medium facing length
G7*: 1.10 tip opening; long facing length
G8: 1.10 tip opening; long facing length
G8*: 1.14 tip opening; long facing length
G9: 1.14 tip opening; long facing length
G10: 1.15 tip opening; long facing length
As you can see, the B8 and G8 have very different openings--neither of which incorporate the digit 8 in the measurement.
I've owned a G7, G7*, and a G8. The G7 played wonderfully, but the G7* and G8 had a l-o-n-g facing and were horribly fatiguing to play.
Post Edited (2019-07-09 00:30)
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Author: kchan ★2017
Date: 2019-07-09 01:11
Do you have any info for the K series?
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