The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2019-01-01 18:40
I did my website years ago when Apple supported it. After a few years they stopped so I was not able to make any more corrections or additions to it for the last ten or so years. I just want to remind people that there are a great many articles on it, most that appeared in the Clarinet Journal when I was a regular contributor. I hope most of you find many of the articles useful and informative even if you have a different point of view on some topics. I also have many live performances on the site if you're interested but don't know if they are still accessible to every one. I remember some people saying they had trouble but as I said, I can't do anything with my site now. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2019-01-01 18:52
Your site has a lot of great information. Thanks for keeping it running!
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Author: hartt
Date: 2019-01-01 19:59
Happy New Year to you.
I apologize-----I am a silent admirer of your page and contributions.
As ' students' of the clarinet, what would we do without the benefits of contributions made to the clarinet world by people like yourself.
thank you
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Author: cigleris
Date: 2019-01-01 21:26
Might be worth moving to something like SquareSpace, Wix or Weebley. So that you can then update etc.
Peter Cigleris
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2019-01-01 21:44
cigleris wrote:
> Might be worth moving to something like SquareSpace, Wix or
> Weebley. So that you can then update etc.
I host Ed's pages on our servers ... Ed could update them at any time ... but he'd have to get a new editor.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2019-01-01 22:26
I'm not very tech savvy, actully very little. I don't even know what that means and how to get a new editor. But the bottom line is I have to review every thing on my site to see if there's anything I feel I need to edit, which I will do this next week. I don't think I have anythig to add to it but I've been told by some that they can't listen to the recordings, yet some people can, and some of the articles don't open. I paid for godaddy and really don't want to have to pay for an "editor". Someone on facebook offered to help me do any up dates for free so after reviewing I will take him up on it if I feel a need to. Thanks for any suggestions. I just did it as a free site to help others get information.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-01-01 22:52
I can open all the articles (great advice!), but the music examples are not "clickable."
All the title pages have "made on a MAC" on them. Maybe there is some Apple licensing thing goin' on.
[Ah yes, using SAFARI]
.....................Paul Aviles
Post Edited (2019-01-01 23:27)
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2019-01-01 22:58
On my browser. Firefox, on the mages with multiple audio, they all start together, sounding like some 22th century modern music. I can stop them all one by one, but cannot restart any back to the beginning, they just continue to the end.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2019-01-02 00:45
Ken Lagace wrote:
> On my browser. Firefox, on the mages with multiple audio, they
> all start together, sounding like some 22th century modern
> music. I can stop them all one by one, but cannot restart any
> back to the beginning, they just continue to the end.
I had the same thing happen in Firefox, while the audio files weren't "clickable" as Paul describes them, in two other browsers I use (Avast and Chrome). I looked at the source script and see that the type for the audio files is "video/quicktime" while the files are m4a or mp3. Seems like maybe having them coded as video might confuse some browsers? I don't think either m4a or mp3 are video formats. Also, from what I can find, m4a is closely associated with Apple, although apparently Firefox can decode it.
Sorry to take this into the weeds. Maybe someone here knows more about it.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2019-01-02 02:09
Sorry folks, when it comes to the type of stuff I am ignorant. I don't want to spend money to get the recordings to work, I can't even get them to play myself now even though they did last year so I'm lost. Someone offered to help try to solve the problem for free, I'll see what he can do. The articles should work, that's the important part. After Mark offered to move my sight to his server I thought everything was good to go.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2019-01-04 17:27
Mark, what do you mean by an editor? I thought I had Godaddy, at least I paid them seveal years ago for a ten year term to post my site and then you put it on your server several years ago for me. Obviously my ignorance in this department is obvious. Thanks.
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2019-01-04 18:55
The editor is the software on the GoDaddy servers that allows you to construct your web page. It is proprietary to GoDaddy. The browsers are the software on our computers that import your website and interpret what GoDaddy has constructed. You might contact GoDaddy about compatibility issues with the browsers listed above, Firefox, Chrome and the others. GoDaddy is probably most compatible with Internet Explorer, the original Microsoft browser.
BTW, I am impressed with the quality of your site when you call yourself 'ignorant'. Kudos!
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2019-01-04 19:54
Thanks Ken, it's the tech stuff I don't understand. Doing the site was easy when Apple allowed people to develope a site on their website. After they stopped supporting it that's when my ability and knowledge disappeared. :-).
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Author: Fuzzy
Date: 2019-01-04 23:53
Hi Ed,
I don't want to put too fine a point on the topic of what an "editor" is - and I have no intention of disagreeing with what Ken said...but I would like to add a little to it:
An editor (as it pertains to creating a website) is whatever you use(d) to create the website. It can be anything from a text editor/word processor on your computer, to a special editor installed on your computer, to a host of proprietary (or non-proprietary) options offered by your web host.
In looking through your website, it appears that the "iWeb" editor was possibly used in creating your website. It came freely with the iLife package on most Macs in the 2009ish era (maybe earlier/later too). It would be considered a type of editor/builder.
I'm very thankful someone has volunteered to port the site to the newer standard, though, as you offer a wealth of information on the site, and it would be a shame to lose it. (Thanks to Mark for hosting it!)
Warmest regards,
Post Edited (2019-01-05 00:00)
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2019-01-05 01:18
Fuzzy, thank you. And yes, I built it on my Mac with the Apple "editor". Since they stopped supporting it I was lost. The recordings still played for several years after that but somehow they seemed to stop for some, and then many and apparently won't play for anyone now. It's not really too important for me to edit my articles now, I'm not sure I have anything to add. I just thought it would be nice for everything to work.
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