The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Laurelin
Date: 2017-01-21 01:08
I normally play soprano, and I've got most of the major Bass clarinet differences worked out, but this is a big one and I thought I'd ask all the experts over here about it.
Most Bb soprano music(at least the orchestral kind) has plenty of rest time, and isn't loud and long. Some of the Hollywood music contradicts this, but bass clarinet hollywood/broadway music apparently takes it up a notch on the 'big, fat, and long' factor.
And somewhere in the middle of all that, I'm taking huge breaths which take entirely too long, my vision is doing weird things, and my palate gives out. My throat feels like I swallowed a melon afterward also.
My current plan is just to do long, loud phrases every day until I get over it - maybe drink some tea - and notate very nearly every breath I'm taking. I don't suppose any you have more suggestions? Backing off a bit is my 'failure' plan, but I'll do it if it's the only thing to do. I'd rather build up some more endurance on my palate and... I don't know what to do about breathing. I can't exactly keep it to every phrase when it's Pomp and Circumstance slow and Hollywood loud.
The music isn't technically difficult... it's just a marathon.
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Author: bassclarinet101 ★2017
Date: 2017-01-21 04:13
Don't strain yourself. It's important to develop your breath support for the bass clarinet comfortably so that you are able to play in a relaxed and efficient manner. The bass clarinet will let you go honky-tonk when the time comes with little trouble, so if you really don't want to back off on your practicing, instead break that practice down into more small segments throughout the day, and build them back up as you find it comfortable to do so. Also, make sure to consider a neck strap if you aren't already using one. Sometimes people push the instrument away from themselves when they strain, and that can just make the whole experience spiral. Full-body mirrors are nice for developing those ergonomics habits if possible.
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Author: bill28099
Date: 2017-01-21 16:48
Make sure to expel all your air before taking a new breath. Get used to doing this when you practice scales and exercises so it becomes a habit. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor.
Take a breath when ever you can, don't let yourself get into oxygen depletion or you will have to skip a beat or two in order to catch up. There is nothing wrong with marking up music with breath marks when necessary, that way you can concentrate on playing not breathing.
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you don't even know you should ask.
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Author: Laurelin
Date: 2017-01-22 03:46
The mirror thing is a good idea, and I do need to remember to always wear the strap - I find the neck(the BC is a decently old Selmer) to be too straight, so I'm usually at the edge of my seat (folding chair) so I can tilt the B.C. to a better angle, but that leads to skidding and other badness if I go too far.
I'll go through and make sure I'm expelling all my air - that's an excercise I haven't done before.
It's interesting, my diaphragm has zero problems with the steel pole of air - heck, it feels *easy*. And then my palate gives up and my throat starts complaining about being stretched.
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