The Clarinet BBoard
Author: nron
Date: 2016-04-23 10:01
Hello all
I recently got my hands on a bundy eb clarinet for keeps and now am looking for ideas about what gear to get for it if needed at all!
I looked across the BBoard and read about the Fobes extenstion and I don't completely understand it - would it just fix your low E and long B? or does it affect the entire horn?
Also interested in mouthpiece suggestions too
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Author: gsurosey
Date: 2016-04-23 23:50
I have a Bundy Eb and I play a Fobes mouthpiece on it. I also decked it out with a tulipwood barrel (43mm) and bell from Backun. I had to have the bell socket modified as the Bundy tenon is too large for the Semler bell as-is. I haven't tried the extension, though from the Backun Selmer bell not fitting, I will take a guess that the Fobes extension also won't fit without modification.
Clarinet Stash:
Bb/A: Buffet R13
Eb: Bundy
Bass: Royal Global Max
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2016-04-24 01:58
Thanks to some really good advice I got on BBoards about 2 months ago regarding Eb mouthpieces, I ended up buying the Eb version of the Bb mouthpiece that I always use. I tried several different mouthpieces in all price ranges before making my final decision. Both mouthpieces have a 1.05 tip opening, so changing from my Bb to my Eb and back again comes very naturally. Another excellent piece of advice I got was to transition my broken-in Bb reeds to the Eb. In this way, there are as few variables between the two instruments as possible. I do cut the end off the Bb reeds to fit the Eb mpc. I'm extremely satisfied with the decision I made based on the advice various members gave.
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Author: ClaV
Date: 2016-04-24 02:00
Backun (or a similar barrel with an indent) makes a great difference to use common B-flat reeds.
As much as I have chances to compare different bells - their effect is much more subtle, being farthest from the key component - the player.
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