The Clarinet BBoard
Author: JWN
Date: 2015-08-05 23:12
I have a clarinet labeled Evette & Schaeffer, Paris France, Modele Buffet Crampon, serial number B-3503.
So far I've been able to find out is that some say E&S clarinets (prior to the production of "Master" E&S clarinets) are equivalent to the Buffet E13. But I found one who is identified as an expert, Ken Shaw, who states that if the Ab key and the side of the A key have their own two posts (which this clarinet has), it's an "irregular" R13.
I've found that some people think the E&S clarinets are student instruments because Buffet made an Evette student model (no Schaeffer on the end), but, according to the experts I've found, the Evette and Schaeffer is a different, and better, instrument.
Regarding the age, I have found no information to establish an accurate date of production. Opinions range from sometime in the 1940s to sometime in the 1950s. But the original case is the old kind and has a pair of round leather handles attached to both the top and bottom of the case.
Can anyone here help me determine the age and the value or quality of this clarinet? (It plays well with good rich tone, though you have to adjust your embouchure to keep it in tune when moving from the lower to upper register.)
Jeff (JWN)
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2015-08-06 06:06
I would suggest sending an enquiry to Buffet regarding the age of your clarinet--they would be the ultimate authority on this.
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Author: GLHopkins
Date: 2015-08-06 06:15
The Evette Schaeffer clarinets with a B prefix on the serial number were made by Malerne not Buffet.
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Author: GLHopkins
Date: 2015-08-08 07:00
This states that D series were also Malerne, but I know them to be Buffet made Evettes.
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2015-08-08 15:02
D-series Evettes were made by Buffet though, according to Carl Fischer's (the U.S. distributor's) promotional literature, not in the same factory where Buffet made their professional instruments.
D-series Evette and Schaeffers, if they exist, are apparently rare. Either Vytas Krass or Susie Ray provided a picture of D5593 (with E&S logos) several years ago. They are included in the list of instruments attributed to Malerne. I do think Clarinetperfection is incorrect in stating that there are A-E prefixes for both (wood) Evettes and for E&S.
From their keywork, B-series E&S appear to have been made in the 1940s and possibly early 1950s (perhaps, given the disruptions to production caused by WWII, 1945-1952). The serial number list on, that begins with 3988 in 1952 is almost certainly all K-series instruments. The statement that B-series and other E&S clarinets were made by Malerne has never, AFAIK, been confirmed by Buffet (or Malerne or other contemporaries, for that matter). The only information I have seen in Buffet literature is that E&S models were all made in the same factory as Buffet's professional models. That the B-series were made by Malerne is a conclusion drawn by Vytas Krass, Susie Ray and others based on two pieces of evidence: (1) a comparison of keywork and other design characteristics shows B-series E&S to have the same design as Malernes of the period and (2) Vytas Krass had a K179 E&S whose keywork demonstrates it to have been made in the 1930s. Based on this evidence, Vytas concludes that Buffet gave all the E&S instruments it made a K-prefix and any E&S clarinets with a different prefix were made by Malerne. He hypothesizes that, if Buffet didn't authorize the stencils, Carl Fischer may have contracted with Malerne for the spurious instruments, possibly without Buffet's knowledge.
A glance at a Buffet serial number list (e.g., the one on this site under "Equipment") shows that Buffet didn't produce any professional clarinets from 1940-1944. Is it possible that, after the war, Buffet initially focused on production of professional models requiring the company or it's American distributor to find another source for student and intermediate models? That would certainly fit with Vytas' theory.
Jeff, over its very long span of production (1930s to 1980s), Buffet's E&S model underwent significant design changes. The actual predecessor to the E13 would be an E&S with a serial number greater than around K10500. Your B-series E&S is a much older instrument, essentially a student model at best by modern standards, quite possibly not made by Buffet. On eBay, in average condition, honestly described (which, frankly is rare), these clarinets typically bring around $100. You may have a particularly good one though it sounds like yours has intonation issues. BTW, either you have misquoted Ken Shaw or he is incorrect. The only E&S clarinets that are, in fact, "irregular R13s" have cutouts under the right-hand cluster keys and 5-digit serial numbers with no prefix. Separate posts for the A and G# keys are characteristic of K-series E&S clarinets starting as early as 1957-- and probably earlier.
Best regards,
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Author: JWN
Date: 2015-08-10 20:17
Thank you all for your input. The information you've provided is very helpful, and I appreciate it.
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