The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2009-11-25 13:00
This is a last-ditch effort. Several of us are trying to find our high school band director. Since his wife is a clarinetist, she might be watching this BB.
Mr. Moore started working at the Jefferson Area High School, OHIO in 1974 and was employed there for a few years anyway. I was one of the senior band students in his first year there, and he was the one who encouraged me to take up the Brahms Sonata in F minor. Although it didn't go very well that first time (we'd had this discussion about Brahms' compositions), lately I was persuaded to take it up again, this time with far more success.
So there are more than one of us trying to get in contact with him, not knowing if he's even alive after all this time. The School Board Superintendant's office even tried, but was unable to locate him. I tried Facebook, Google, and anything else I could think of. Perhaps we won't find him, but I had to try.
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Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2009-11-25 21:11
Anything's possible. I looked up the school, and will contact them.
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Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2009-11-26 02:59
I'm a retired teacher/professor from Ohio schools and a former band director as well. You may want to try STRS Ohio which is the retirement system (but they may not be willing to divulge any information). Another possibility would be if you know where Mr. Moore went to college, check with the alumni association. My guess though that if he was teaching in 1974, he may well be retired.
Some of the larger music ed. schools in Ohio at the time he went to school were BGSU, Kent, Ohio U. I have degrees from all three and the alumni associations are always "getting in touch" with me.
Others possibilities might be OSU, Youngstown, Toledo, and Miami. All these schools turned out a lot of band directors during the 60s and 70s.
Good luck,
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Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2015-01-25 01:57
It's been over 5 years now and still no leads on this band director from Northeast Ohio. Hank, I sent another note to STRS Ohio to see what they have to say.
Meanwhile, outside of our paid jobs, our Trio still plays from time to time. We just love the sound produced by these three instruments, and we've also come to appreciate so much more the ingenuity of the composers, how the tunes and themes weave in and out between instruments. I'm convinced that we appreciate the music more than the audience does because we've become aware of these nuances in the compositions. In the venues where we play the Trio is still unusual. Playing with a Clarinet Choir for many years was excellent training and preparation for me before we began our Trio ... just a different sound. The Clarinet Choir is a fabulous experience, though, for anyone hoping to move forward in ensemble work.
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Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2015-01-28 20:06
The contact you gave me, Hank, worked! They sent my note along to Mr. Moore and he directly e-mailed. And Eddie, this appears to be the right link.
Thank you so much for your efforts!
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