The Clarinet BBoard![The C4 standard](/clarinet/BBoard/images/C4.gif)
Author: Philip Caron
Date: 2014-09-26 05:15
In another thread, seabreeze mentioned a book in the Michigan State University library. It's out of print and I can't seem to find a seller online. It's also unavailable through my local library.
Does anyone know of a seller or have a copy they'd sell? It is:
"Supreme altissimo system for the Bb clarinet : extend your clarinet range into the 5th octave : a new octave for the Bb clarinet"
author: Dick debona
published: Quincy, MA. : D. DiBona, ©1988
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2014-09-26 09:44
If you have a membership or card from your local public library, they should be able to get the Debona book for you on an inter-library loan. I recently had my public library obtain a copy this way of the second volume of H. Sarlit Twenty-Five Etudes de Virtuosite for clarinet, which seems to be permanently out of print.
The small book Clarinet Fingerings by Alan Sim (available from Van Cott) also has some fingerings for notes above the "normal" clarinet range.
Post Edited (2014-09-26 09:49)
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Author: maxopf
Date: 2014-09-26 10:09
Not sure if this helps, but this chart goes up to A7, and has lots of alternates to try.
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