The Clarinet BBoard
Author: seabreeze
Date: 2014-03-03 00:24
Both Andreas Ottensamer and Daniel Ottensamer (Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic) are now playing German Oehler system, Viennese bore clarinets made by Johanna Kronthaler. Andreas reportedly told a student that these are the finest clarinets now available on the world market.
Does anybody on this list play Kronthaler clarinets, or has anybody tried them? A Boehm system instrument is also available from the Kronthaler workshop (expensive and hand made).
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2014-03-02 22:17
First I've heard of these clarinets. We need to FIND OUT MORE, and post all the juicy details. Of course a three year waiting list is not out of the ordinary for these sorts of manufacturers. Wurlitzer is about as long, and at last check it's two year for a Gerold.
..........Paul Aviles
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