The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Blake Awbrey
Date: 2001-04-04 09:53
I recently found a nice clarinet in the original case at a local estate sale. The clarinet appears to be ebony or ebonized and is marked in an oval "Rondeau over PARIS over De Luxe" The serial number is 5756. The mouthpiece is unmarked. I have searched the net for three hours and I cannot find any reference to a maker by the name of Rondeau or of a model of clarinet that matches the markings. I am hoping someone here either knows the answer or can guide me in the right direction.
I thank you in advance for your time and efforts and look forward to learning the history of this clarinet.
Sincerely, Blake
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Author: Blake
Date: 2001-04-05 17:52
wow..another clarinet player named blake <G> must be genetic.. wish i could help you with the clarinet. sounds like it might be an old leblanc model. the other Blake
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