The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Samuel
Date: 2001-02-14 00:42
Hi there,
These questions refer to the "Andante con moto" in Weber's Grand Duo Concertant.
In bars 45 to 48 (or 9 after C) ther are to little phrases which I can't figure out what to do with. Does one get louder than the other? To what dynamic? Stating at what dynamic? I am pursuaded to bring them to a good mf before I decrescendo, but I think that might be too loud.
In bar 58 (or 6 after D) are these notes as powerful as the ones preceeding it on not? I can't figure out where this is supposed to go.
Samuel Davidson
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Author: fred
Date: 2001-02-14 06:06
Hi samuel
I performed this in public and can give you some thoughts on my interpetation, this(Please note I am only an amateur, not a pro). First off if your doing this for judged event dont get to artsy especially where tempos are concerned if rit. or accel. is not written dont put one in, a judge might take it as dragging or rushing. Ages ago a teacher of mine told the 3 rules of performance are tempo, tempo and tempo.
So no rit in measure 17 the eighth notes are played very short with plenty of space between them and a little accent.
9 aft C I feel the first set stonger than the second and start it a little louder(mf<f>p) .The second is like an echo(p<mf>pp).Give a litte extra weight to the top notes.
Aft D The last set is stronger its the end of that phrase and has an air of finality to it. Pay special attention to the accents and really clip that last sixteenth note.
Hope this helps and as I said up top this is my opinion not gospel.
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Author: fred
Date: 2001-02-14 06:16
I guess the greater and less than signs dont travel well
9 aft C I feel the first set stonger than the second and start it a little louder(mp cresc mf decresc p) .The second is like an echo(p cres mp decresc pp).Give a litte extra weight to the dotted eighths.
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